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A/N: sorry I've been gone, I've been REALLY busy. but i wrote out like,,, half this Fic on paper so expect me to post it lol.

Rosa flicked her wrist sending a spray of paint across the canvas. She set down the paintbrush and stood for the first time in 48 hours, hearing a satisfying crack in her spine. Yoga would fix that. "DONE!" She yelled to no one in particular. This painting had taken two days of nonstop work, but she finally finished. She needed to rest, but, more importantly- she had to get to the local cafe. She had an interview with some New Yorker reported about local artists. She grinned a little. She liked being recognized as a serious artist, what with being female, Latina, and bi. She threw on some not stained clothes- a black ribbed shirt and jeans- and headed out.
As she arrived at the cafe, she appreciated the brooklyn scenery. Once her bike was locked up, she headed in. Only one of the tables was occupied by only a single person, so she assumed she should head there. "Hi, I'm Rosa Diaz? I assume you're Gina..." What was it? It rhymed with confetti, spaghetti-
"Linetti. Hi, yeah, that's me." The auburn haired woman finished. She held up her hand to shake, and Rosa obliged, trying not to stare at her blue eyes. They reminded her of forget-me-nots. "I'm uhh... gonna get a drink before we start." Rosa darted over to the counter and hurriedly ordered a tea, trying not to groan at the price- Six dollars!? She grabbed her tea after an excruciating wait and made her way back to the table in what she hoped was a casual way. "Sorry, hi, I'm ready now." She took a sip of her tea. Ick, no, that's scalding. She tried to swallow the boiling hot drink.
"I like your voice. Kind of a female Batman vibe." Gina commented as she plugged in a recording device to her laptop. Rosa sputtered on her half-swallowed tea. "Uhh- thanks- is this a talk of the town sitch or-?" [A/N talk of the towns are a section in the New Yorker where instead of interviewing a person they follow them around and the person just talks to the reported while doing something, no questions, the reporter isn't mentioned etc]
"Nope, just a normal interview. Should be relatively painless." She clicked on the device and began. Her brow furrowed as she zeroed in on each question. It was kind of cute, Rosa had to admit.
"What's your experience like as an artist who is also part of many minorities?"
"Well. You know, it kind of sucks. People have called me slurs before. And Mexican. They're really intent on calling me Mexican. Plus being bi- whole lot of that 'pick a side' shit. I guess it helps me see who I can really trust, though. That's a thing with me. Trust issues."
"Why are trust issues important for you and why?"
"Well, um. It's a lot of things, but, uhh, I guess I used to trust my mom. Like, a lot. But when I came out, it's like... she smashed my trust and respect for her into a million pieces. I like to know I can rely on people. I guess that;s why I don't make friends or date that often. I get scared. I don't know if that's exactly trust issues."
Gina paused before reading the next question, looking at Rosa guiltily. "Sorry. Uhh... can you tell me about when you came out?" Rosa clenched her mug.
"Nobody gets to hear about that. It's my business."
"Okay, sorry. I respect that. Feel the same way about when I came out. Italian mom, all that shit." She chuckled a bit. Rosa was a little surprised that Gina was- bi? Gay? Wasn't really her place to speculate, she supposed. The questions flew by after that and soon Gina dramatically closed her laptop. "Alright. If I need more info, I'll email you." She got up, hoisting her laptop and other stuff into a tote bag. She paused for a moment, considering something, but seemed to make up her mind. "Bye, cutie!" She called, and walked out of the cafe in her extra way. Rosa stared at her, agape. What had just happened?

A/N sorry this chapters kind of short but im about to write the next one so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!! Dianetti forever and all that.

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