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Walking along the path holding my normal coffee in my hand, my shoes clicking underneath me.

I walked towards the book store and opened the door up, I placed my coffee on a table and started searching for a book.

I reached the highest shelf but couldn't get the book that I wanted as a hand touches mine grabbing the book, I turned my head to see a tall women.

She smirks at me and gives me the book.

"Your welcome" she says with a smile and a wink.

"What's your name, darling?" She questions, she leans back on the bookshelf.

I feel my cheeks beginning to flush as I made eye contact with her, I look at her up and down while she gives me a little smirk.

"Y/n" I mumble, she comes closer to me and lifts my chin up to meet her eyes.

"I'm Darla nice to meet you" she smirks holding my chin her pad of her thumb going over my lips.

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