Chapter 13: Baseball Idiots and battery partners

Start from the beginning

"You're very observant, I've got to say. I don't think anyone in the team can read Miyuki like that. Even I'm surprised after hearing that much from you", Takigawa gave back with a mixture of concern and astonishment on his face.

"Yeah, I mean Kaz has trust issues and I'm pretty sure that he's been through some nasty stuff in his past, so we're somehow alike, I guess? Not that he would talk with me about whatever happened, I'm just sure that something has happened, but I don't know the background story. Which is kinda frustrating since that evil guy has made me tell him and the majority of the first-string team everything about me and now I've got the feeling, that the whole team has found out about my past. Even you third years know, I mean... c'mon... What's with keeping secrets between teammates?!"

Takigawa chuckled amused and patted Sora's shoulder sympathetically. They came to a halt when they arrived at the bottom of the stairs which led to the third-year level.

"I think in your case it's important for you to recognize that there are people who care about you and who would be there for you if you ever needed them. It helps keeping you grounded and you need a solid basement to build new trust and confidence on it", the calm catcher stated matter-of-factly and gave Sora a small smile.

"Yeah, speaking of which... I'm gonna have my test with Kaz as my battery partner in front of the coach and the rest of the staff tomorrow..." The blue haired girl still cringed inwardly at the thought.

"Oh, even before Christmas and the winter camp? Well, Miyuki has indeed healed properly, so I don't think it'll be a big problem"

"Yeah, it's also gonna be a test run for him since he hasn't caught in a while now. I think they didn't want to throw him right into winter camp before making sure he can handle after all"

Takigawa nodded his head in agreement, but his calm gaze never left Sora's azure blue eyes.

"You're worried"

"Can you blame me?"

"Have some faith. I'm sure you and Miyuki will form a good battery. I'd want to catch for you myself if they let me and if it wasn't for my injury and my retirement"

"Wha-?! Really?!" Sora gaped in utter disbelief, but her kindhearted upperclassman nodded. "And what if you weren't able to catch them? My pitches?"

"Mh, then I'd like to try until I could, I suppose. Or figure something out to make it work some way or the other. It certainly would be interesting to take on that challenge since something similar has never happened to me before", the older catcher reassured her softly.

The young girl sighed and her shoulders dropped. If life just could be so easy. But she still had her masterplan prepared to deceive the coach, so there was still some hope left.

"Maybe you can look forward to some of us third years starting to help out with your practices again. We had a lot of college and future related stuff and conversations with teachers and the coach and also the principal going on lately, but I think for winter camp we'll manage to drop by more often again. And we're gonna keep it up until graduation"

It was truly cute how Takigawa made a serious effort to distract the blue haired girl and to cheer her up a little bit, so she felt like rewarding him with a grateful smile at least.

"Thank you very much, Chris-senpai. I think it'll be a great experience learning from you and seeing some of you in action for the first time. Apart from TV of course"

"Good luck for tomorrow, Sora. It'll work out just fine, believe me"

"Yeah, thanks"

However, the next day when Sora was meeting up with a grinning Miyuki, the young girl just felt horrible.

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