Chapter 02: Well, well, well....

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I couldn’t sleep, a thousand questions were running through my mind. Who was this man and what did he want from me? I never saw him here before. I also heard noises coming from downstairs, amazing when you’re home alone. I just tried to sleep, maybe I was going to get killed but anyway…

Ugh I give up, no sleep for me today I get it. I went downstairs with fear and… a baseball bat…you know just in case. Luckly it was safe and no one was downstairs. I was bored so I decided to write.
Bad news….I couldn’t find my writing pen. I started to freak out, that was my lucky pen. 
I probably left it at the park- wait….What if the man saw that I forgot or dropped my pen and just wanted to give it back, just like every other human being. Can it get even worse, PROBABLY. The poor man just wanted to be nice and I ran away like a freak. Why Cecilia, why? 
I called him a freak the whole time, when I was the freak right from the beginning….

Eventually I cried myself to sleep. The next day I woke up with extremely puffy eyes, I thought that I had an allergic reaction to something, but it was just the puffiness from crying all night. 
My mom still hadn’t returned home, what a surprise. I changed my clothes and splashed some water on my face, because this puffines needed to go away RIGHT NOW. 
I skipped breakfast because I was already late so I just grabbed an apple and headed to school.

‘What’s up with  your face Cecilia, you look like a dead pufferfish’ 

Wha- what happend to hello? What happend to how are you?

‘I’m not in the mood right now Inés’ I said.

I just asked serious question but whatever, how was the meeting yesterday?’

‘What meeting?’

‘The meeting with your mother’s friends’

‘Girl you call that a meeting, ugh anyway…..I didn’t go home, I went straight to the park after school’

‘And I wasn’t invited?! I see what you did right there’

Inés you know I would have invited you if I had planned it before. It came in my mind right after school’

Ok, was it fun?

Don’t come to me with this attitude,  it was fine but there happened something weird and embarrassing ‘

‘What are you waiting for? SPILL IT’

Okay so I was just sitting in the park looking at a mom and a daughter. After they left I felt some eyes watching me, and my feeling was right. So a man was staring at me, you already know me and my dramatic ass so I quickly left and guess what, THE man started to follow me. I was so scared that I started to walk even faster than Giovanni  from our class (He walks as fast as me running)
Can it get worse? naah….YES. He started to shout and whistle so I prayed and ran as fast as I could.  Thank god I lost him but I was shitting my pants. But now the embarrasing part. I lost my lucky writing pen and I was writing with it in the park yesterday, so I probably dropped it and the man saw that and just wanted to give it back to me. What did I do? I RAN AWAY. Now the man definitely thinks i'm crazy

OMG what a creep! I’m so happy that nothing bad happened to you. You never now if he REALLY wanted to give the pen back or if he had other bad intentions, so you did a great job in running away and protecting yourself. ’ Inés told me and she hugged me thight. 

I’m so grateful to have Inés as my best friend, she feels more like a sister than my real sisters.  She is the only person who was there for real when I was slowly losing myself. I was done with this messed up world, this messed up life, everyday I would wonder why I was still here. But that all stayed in the past and I feel much better with her around me.

Do you have plans this weekend?’ Inés asked me.

For now, no. Why?’ I said. 

Great, we can go to the club that opened last week. I heard so many people say that it’s the BOMB'

Sure…but how were you planning to get in? we turn 18 in like 3 months’

Don’t worry, I’ll get that fixed tonight’

Sometimes I really think Inés is a part of a gang or some weird drugsdealer, and that kind of worries me. How is she going to fix that is my biggest question. Like how?! Is she going to make illegal fake ID's or is she going to take over someone's life, I have absolutely no idea.

Okay, but how will you fix that?’ I asked, confused asf.

You’ll see girl, don’t worry.’ Inés said with a smirk. BAD NEWS.

Inés, what’s the answer?’ the teacher asked.

 So spontaneous, like calm down we knoooow it, it’s so eaaaasy.

The answer is C, gravity. BOOM BITC-’ Inés said.

Oh my god this girl is going to be my 13th reason.
I pulled her back to her seat and pinched her arm.

Shut your dirty mouth before I’m going to shut it’ I whispered in her ear.

‘Yes Inés, that’s correct. Well done…’ Our teacher said. By the look on her face I knew that she was shocked and speechless. 

Finally the class was over and Inés and I decided to go and grab some coffee in a cute little shop nearby.
I just got a casual cappuccino and Inés got something that has no name because she created a whole new drink for herself, I felt so bad for the person that took her order, he was holding back tears. We sat down and talked about her brother’s wedding, he was getting married in 3 weeks. We were just talking when I heard someone whistling….it had the same melody as the one from yesterday. I looked around, no one to be seen. Was I going crazy?

Yo get away from me’ I suddenly screamed. 

What happened Cecilia?’ Inés asked.

Nothing, I just heard a buzz buzz sound near my ears so I was scared that there was a bee nearby’ I said. 

I stared to feel really light in my head so I went outside to get some fresh air. What was happening?
I took a deep breath. in…..out……..out. It was a cloudy day, my favorite. 
I remembered the poem that I once wrote about a cloudy day

On a cloudy day you should always remember
There is always a sun, even in september
Behind all those clouds, there is always a treasure 
We should just wait for the weather
Until he shows us his treasure
That’s what we call the summer
Sound like a cool adventure
In the end we will find a big, golden globe
And it will always try to keep us warm together
Never be sad on a cloudy day, never
The sun is there, always and forever.

*sigh* Always and forever….

Well, well, well look who we got here…’ a strange voice whispered in my ear.

I turned around…..what the heck…..?


Oh no, is HE back? 
This is the end of the chapter and I leave y'all with a beautiful open end to figure out what's going to happen next,
hehehe sorry not sorry :)
But anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and y'all finally met Inés, let me know what you think of her so far.
Don't forget to vote and leave a comment I want to talk to youuu.
Take care of yourselves and don't forget,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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