One of the younger elves told Harry that since his friend was a muggleborn, then her home was not warded against house elves. Harry grinned then asked the elf if she would pop in to the Grangers home during the night to find out if Hermione had the introductory book. The little elf bobbed up and down excitedly making Harry laugh then he gave the little elf a hug.

Harry sat beside Neville, he asked Neville what it was like to grow up in a magical home and if Neville ever spent time in the muggle world.

Neville explained about the lessons he had with his grandmother and uncle. His grandmother taught him politics, law and etiquette, while his uncle taught him sword fighting. Harry asked if Neville had time if he would pass on some of that knowledge to Harry. He didn't know anything about the wizarding world, or nearly nothing. But he would also like to learn how to use weapons. Harry mentioned he would like to have learned martial arts but the Dursley's refused to spend money on him, for anything. Neville said he would talk to his gran and uncle to see if Harry could join their training, but for now, Neville would sit with Harry of a night and teach him what he already knew. He mentioned his books that were at home, Harry said he would send Hedwig to Flourish and Blotts that way he would have his own copies.

Just as the food appeared the Durmstrang students arrived with Karkaroff. The students went to the Slytherin table as Karkaroff went to the staff table. He normally sat beside Snape, but Snape wasn't there yet, a few of the teachers had yet to arrive. When the Beauxbatons arrived they headed to the Ravenclaw table. Within seconds of sitting down, Fleur screamed which got the attention of everyone in the great hall. All the students turned to see Fleur Delacour with a nappy on, a baby's bib hanging around her neck, then a dummy appeared in her mouth, even her hair had a big pink bow with baby dragons on it. She got up and ran from the hall with loud laughter following her. Harry noticed that none of the other girls from Beauxbatons moved, he also noticed they were laughing as well. Madam Maxime who had just sat down, got up and ran after her student. Harry would have to remember to thank the house elves for that little prank.

Ron finally made it to the great hall with Hermione and Ginny following him. Just as Ron sat down he screamed making everyone turn towards the Gryffindor table. Ron was screaming and brushing something from his arms and chest. He gave one loud piercing scream before running from the hall with Hermione and Ginny running after him. Again everyone laughed, but no one had any idea why Ron Weasley screamed. They couldn't see anything on him so they had no idea what he was trying to brush off. Harry laughed before he went back to his dinner.

'It seems like someone is doing some pranking. Normally it would be us, but we haven't started yet,' George said.

'Yeah, we like to give it a few weeks before we decide who is going to be pranked and how,' Fred said.

'So if it wasn't the new generation of Marauder, I wonder who did it,' Harry said sounding casually interested.

'Marauder, how do you know the Marauders were pranksters?' George asked.

'Yeah, the map didn't say anything about that, just the Marauders and their names,' Fred said.

'Oh, didn't I tell you, I found out who the Marauders were and how if things were different I would have been given that map when I was young.'

'Tell us,' Fred and George said excitedly.

'Well, what do I get if I give you that information?'

'Anything,' the twins said together.

'We'll give you some of our products for free,' Fred said.

'After we've tested them,' George said.

'Okay, I'll go with that. I will tell you some later when we're somewhere private but I will tell you about one. Prongs,' Harry grinned, 'Remember my patronus?'

'A stag, Hermione told us,' George said.

'Said it was big,' Fred said.

'Well, Prongs could turn into a stag, he was an animagus when he was a student, hence the nickname.'

'Makes sense,' Fred said.

'So who was it?' George asked.

'James Potter, my dad,' Harry smirked making the twins eyes widen then they really began to gaze at Harry, 'What?' Harry asked nervously.

'You're the son of a Marauder,' the twins said together.

'And more connected to them apart from my dad. They did prank a lot of people but mainly the Slytherin's and guess who their biggest target was?'

The twins glanced at each other, they communicated without talking, like they did often. After a minute they shook their head.

'Snivellius,' Harry could tell the twins had no idea who that was, 'Severus Snape. They all were in the same year.'

'Is that why he seems to hate you?' Neville asked.

'Probably, I mean he hated me before he even met me. I do look like my dad, so everyone tells me. If they pranked him a lot then he can't retaliate against them, so I'm the next best thing,' Harry gestured to Snape who just walked into the great hall with Dumbledore. For some reason those two were late, they are normally the first of the staff to arrive.

Just like before, as soon as Snape sat down he yelled angrily making all the students snap their heads around to stare. Severus Snape was standing in a red corset, and nothing else. He turned and ran through the door behind the staff table, Dumbledore hurrying after him. But by then the entire student population was howling with laughter. Some of the teachers were laughing, even if they were trying to hide it.

The twins glanced at each other then at Harry. They were wondering if Harry was following in his father's footsteps. They could understand Snape's prank, and even Ron since he was being a prat, but they didn't understand why Harry would prank the Beauxbatons champion, if it was Harry. As they stared at him they thought he looked curious even though he kept laughing. Normally they were very good at reading people, but now, they just weren't sure if it was Harry or not.

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