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Harry refused to talk to anyone but Neville over the following days. Even though Hermione didn't believe he entered the triwizard tournament, for some reason she stayed close to Ron who was still being a right bastard, and he refused to believe Harry didn't enter. The twins were still friendly, but they believed Harry entered as a prank. They just refuse to listen to Harry when he told them he didn't enter. Only Neville listened and only Neville believed him.

During this time when he was spending time with Neville, he found a real nice, if not shy boy who was very unsure of himself. He had remembered the times when Ron and others bullied Neville so even though Harry wanted to get some payback for himself, he will do it for people like Neville or others that might have been bullied just because they were different.

He began to get idea's to use as pranks. One he wanted to do on Fleur for her comment about "little boy" when she found out that Harry's name came out of the goblet of fire. It should give many a laugh when she sat down in the great hall to have dinner.

During class Harry refused to answer any question McGonagall asked, he would say he didn't know then go back to what he was doing, whether it was reading or practicing a spell. He would help Neville who seemed to not try, or something, but Harry knew Neville could do it if he just had confidence in himself.

When Hermione told Harry he had to forgive Ron, he glared at her and the look made her flinch. From then on he refuse to talk to her, answer her, or even look at her. But one idea he got would annoy Hermione, he would just need to speak with the house elves about it.

That evening he disappeared to his room where he began to see the house elves in smart clothes. Some chose uniform type clothes, while others like Dobby chose brightly coloured mixed matched clothes.

Harry explained what he wanted to happen to Snape, Fleur and Ron, so the house elves began to discuss how to make the prank work. Harry would leave them to it while he read his school books. He went over the spells he would be learning over the following week then he began to practice. He had trouble with the summoning charm, as he growled in frustration he saw a book on the bookshelf that seemed to stick out more than others. It made him curious so he pulled the book from the shelf and began to read.

Harry hadn't realised how long he had been reading when Dobby told him it was close to dinner time and the elves had worked on how to prank Snape, Fleur and Ron. Harry grinned, then thanked all the elves. He told them about some other pranks he wanted to begin that evening, if possible and asked if they could think it over while he was at dinner or in Gryffindor tower.

As Harry walked back through the castle towards the great hall, he thought of the book he had been reading. It really went into detail about how to access your magic and focus your magic so you could perform spells easier and in some cases, wandless. He read up on how the wand allows you to focus your magic. When you learned that, all you needed was something in or on your hand that had a magical substance, like feathers from a magical animal. That would direct your magic through the object, whatever the person decided to use. It did not have to be a wand.

Harry figured if he could work on a ring that wouldn't make anyone suspicious then he could practice using that to cast spells. If anything dangerous happened it would give him the element of surprise, especially if he lost his wand. But the theory the book described finally made sense to Harry. He couldn't practice until the following day, but he knew he would have no trouble with any spell now he knew how to connect to his magic.

What got Harry was the book mentioned an introductory book for all eleven year olds that would explain everything they needed to know especially if they were muggle raised. It wasn't one of the books that had been on Harry's list and he wondered if it might have been stopped before he started or if for some reason that book was missing from his list only. Harry wondered if he could get one of the house elves to check the books of all his dorm mates, but especially people like Hermione. The trouble was that many didn't keep older books with them since they didn't have room in their trunks. He would have to think on that so he could find out if others had the book or not.

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