thirty-nine. check-up

192 4 1

Five is living the life. Is it the perfect retirement? No, but is it one where he isn't constantly trying to save the world from his sibling? Yes, and that is good enough for him.

So what, Klaus wants a little trip to the countryside? It will be nice to get some fresh air and see the sights. But one thing at the back of his mind won't leave him alone, and if anyone is going to investigate and indulge his curiosity, it's Klaus.

Now, here they sit, based on Viktor's advice. They had stopped by some diner, asked questions to the right guy, and now find themselves sitting in front of a veterinary clinic. Well, to be fair, Five is the only one sitting in the car because Klaus needed to, in his words, empty the faucet.

It's a nice place, really. Floor-to-ceiling windows give a great view of the inside. A few patrons sit in the waiting room playing with whatever animals they brought. Someone sits at the front desk and veterinary technicians come out from the back before dragging someone else in.

Maybe he should get a notebook. Something to document his thoughts, keep them in order. His old partner recommended that once, and he followed through. Too bad those notebooks are lost to time.

A sudden bang at the window makes Five jump. He turns to see Klaus standing there with a wide grin and a wild rabbit in his hands. "Come on, dude!" He says as Five climbs out of the car. "We gotta go before Wentworth gets mad."

"I'd really like a look inside your head at some point." Begrudgingly, Five follows Klaus into the clinic.

The woman at the front desk looks up. Her eyes widen as she says, "Hello, uh, welcome. Do you have an appointment?"

"Ah, not exactly," Klaus replies as he fiddles with the rabbit, trying to keep it in his arms. "You see, we were driving, and, uh, I just turned for a second, and I didn't notice this little guy, and I have this friend who works here, I think, and I was hoping—we were hoping—she could maybe take a look? Make sure Wentworth isn't hurt."

The woman looks to Five who just shrugs with a pressed smile. "Um, ok, maybe. Who's your friend? I can see if they are available."

"You know, she's got so many names," Klaus laughs. "But, uh, we call her Margo?"

"Yes, Margo." The woman glances down at the computer. "Actually, she should—"

Five would know that laugh anywhere. Agent 23 never laughed really, not usually. But he spent enough time with her to know the polite little chuckle she would use at work when she really just wanted to move on to the next big thing. It echoes through the place as she and a small kitten emerge from the back. She holds the animal against her chest, letting it paw at her dark scrubs as she glances around the waiting room.

Before she even sees Five and Klaus, she turns to help an elderly woman past her along with a young boy who excitedly reaches for the cat. Kneeling down, Margo hands over the kitten and says, "Now you be good. This is a baby who will be your best friend, but you have to be nice and make sure he doesn't eat anything weird again, ok?" Standing, she ruffles the kid's hair and bids goodbye to the pair.

"Margo," the front desk woman says. "You've got one more."

She hasn't even looked yet as she runs a hand down her face. "One more, then lunch," Five hears her say just before she turns and her eyes fall on them.

Any semblance of fake jolliness disappears. Her smile fades as she gulps, looking at Five, then Klaus, then the rabbit. It seems the rabbit spurs her into motion as she lunges forward to get the animal. "Yeah, Kathy, I got this," she mutters. "Uh, come with me? I mean, follow me please."

As she turns, Five notices her shift to have one hand free, tucked near her chest or stuffed in her pocket. Klaus begins spinning his story, thankfully not mentioning that they all know each other or how they know each other while people are still listening. Five follows silently, plotting their path and watching the technicians taking note of them.

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