twenty-nine. margo is gone

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Klaus lies in bed staring at the ceiling. No matter how much his head pounds or how itchy his skin has begun to feel, nothing matters. His blank stare never wavers from the small brown spot on the otherwise normal ceiling as the news plays in the background about Kennedy's death.

For once in his 35 years, he hears no one.

Ben is gone. Drifted into the light, Klaus supposes, after his selfless journey to save Vanya. And Margo just vanished. He misses his brother and friend. Even if he never really let them know he truly cared, he is used to their bickering, but now...

There's nothing.

But he pulls himself up and walks out of the room towards his siblings all gathered by the television. He looks down at them to see a portrait of himself on the screen, and he sighs, shaking his head.

"The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy, who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network as well as this woman who was seen fleeing the grassy knoll bleeding, potentially having tried to stop this organization."

The woman on screen is barely recognizable, her face obscured by shadow.

"Well, it's true," Five shrugs. "I do feel like I'm being held hostage most days."

"God, I hate that photo," Diego laments as Klaus hangs against the railing, his hands swaying to the silence in his head.

Allison shakes her head. "They're saying I instigated that riot? That's unbelievable. It was that woman."

Klaus notices Five's curiosity spike at the comment, but obviously not enough to question it.

"Look, the good news is that we restored the timeline and stopped doomsday," Luther says with a hand in front of his face.

Diego narrows his eyes. "Yeah, a bunch of real goddamn heroes. We let Kennedy die."

"Yeah, and now we're officially the most wanted people in the world," Allison adds, placing her hands on her hips. Klaus begins his descent, though his steps feel out of place. "The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the Secret Service. It's only a matter of time before they hunt us down here."

Klaus waves to Diego as Vanya asks, "Well, where are we supposed to go?"

"I have this yurt just outside of Reykjavik. We could totally lay low there," Klaus says as he flicks his hands about. Flaunt it till you make it, right? "Folks there are a little weird but lovely."

"Hey, dumb ass," Five snaps. "Hiding's not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us wherever and whenever we go."

"Well, what about your partner?" Klaus asks. "She'll help us, right?"

Five and Luther exchange a look Klaus has never seen the two make before.

"Five's right. They'll never stop," Diego says.

"I'm sorry, since when are you an expert on the Commission?" Five asks with crossed arms.

"Since I got back from there."


"Yeah, they headhunted me, offered me a job. Full time with benefits, which I had to turn down." Diego's previously upset expression turns up as he turns his back to Five.

In response, Five narrows his eyes dangerously. It reminds Klaus of when Margo got upset; she would just glare like she wished the world would catch fire. "They headhunted you?" Five chuckles. "The village idiot?"

Diego looks back at him with a smug smile. "What, am I not allowed to be headhunted?" Klaus rolls his eyes. "Only the mighty Five need to be in demand?"

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