Towards Yuba (With Some Complications Along the Way)

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Saki stares at Ace with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Creeping closer on her tiptoes and tongue out in concentration, Saki has him in her sights. Ace turns around and Saki quickly looks away, stopping in her tracks.

Ace raises an eyebrow and looks away.

One second she was beside Vivi and the next, right next to Ace stealing his hat and running off.

"Eh?" Ace took a second to realise what happened. "OI!!!"

Saki giggles and pokes her tongue out. "I'm taking this! You don't need it in the desert!"

Nami and Vivi gape at Saki. " did she move so fast? She was right here..."

"I have no idea..."

An irk mark appears on Ace. "Stop using that technique on me, idiot! And give me my hat back!"

"It's so funny though! You can never keep up with me! Slowpoke!" Saki teases. "And I actually need a hat! So I'm borrowing it!"

"You always 'need' it, though!" Ace whines.

Saki gasps in mock offence. "You're saying I don't need it?"

Ace pouts. "You have your own hat..."

"That's a beanie. It's not the same thing!"

"Yeah, because you're always cold!"

"That's why I have you!"

"Is that why you always hug me?!"



The Straw-Hats sweatdrop.

Shaking off her amusement, Vivi hands Luffy a set of robes. "Luffy-san, please wear this."

"Oh, thank you." Luffy grins brightly.

"Let's get ready to land." Zoro steps over the cook's depressed body without a second glance.

"Alright." Usopp follows after him.

"Let's get on land already!" Luffy shouts to the sky excitedly.

'There's something in the water.'

"Hm?" Saki walks towards the railing and peers down.

"Something wrong, Saki?" Nami questions, head tilted.

"There's something down there..."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Chopper waddles to Saki.

"Probably animals." Saki pats Chopper's head. "Nothing to worry about."

"Ah, ok!"

Not a second later, a small army of adorable little turtle-dugongs jump out of the water, looking quite ready to kick the pirate's asses as they strike fighting poses.

"Turtles?" Zoro questions, dropping the anchor.

"You mean seals, right?" Luffy corrects, eyeing the creatures on the shore.

"Kung Fu Dugongs!" Vivi gasps, eyes wide.

Ace looks to Saki and sweatdrops. The swordswoman had sparkles surrounding her, stars in her eyes and a small blush on her cheeks. "C-Cute!!"

Ace facepalms. "Oh, God...She's a goner..."

"C-Chopper....turtles...Chopper....cute turtles...."

"Yep, definitely a goner."

"'You must fight and defeat me if you wish to disembark here!'" Chopper translates.

Saki gasps dramatically. "No! No way! No one hurt these adorable little turtles! If you do, I'll beat you up!" Fire burns in her eyes.

The Black Blade AssassinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ