Chapter 14: You're Learning

Start from the beginning

            Jack nodded and we walked to the door. He stopped me before I could open it and pulled me towards him, "Are you okay?" I asked softly.

            "For now." He smiled weakly, "Paxton is just a pain in my ass."

            "I wasn't going to ask."

            "I know." His smile turned into a crooked grin, "You're learning."

            "I don't like it, Jack."

            He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead, "I know that, too." He gathered me in his arms, hugging me tightly. Something that's potentially wrong, felt so right.

            I returned the hug, wrapping my arms gently around his torso because of his bruises. I breathed him in, squeezing my eyes shut. For a moment, I forgot where I was. Jack was holding me and it felt right. It all felt right.

            Too good to be true kind of thing. And I didn't want this feeling to be ripped away from me like I'm scared it will be. I didn't know what this thing with Jack was. If that whatever this is even lasts a month. But the thought of losing him right now made my chest tighten with worry. I do know I like Jack. More than I ever expected to like him.

            We've been neighbors my whole life basically and we've barely talked. Maybe in Elementary, but other than that, we couldn't stand each other. Or at least I thought.

            Starting my freshman year in high school, Jack made it his goal to torment me anyway he could. It wasn't bullying. More like, teasing...which is exactly what he said. He sat behind me in English and tugged on my ponytail any chance he got like he was back in Kindergarten. He'd make faces at me when he passed by me in the halls like a child.

            I've never thought about Jack in any other way besides an annoyance that seemed to follow me everywhere. And when I left that high school to go to a private school, I didn't see him much. I saw him when he left for school and when he came home. Or when he played basketball with a couple of his friends. Other than that, we never, ever talked.

            That all seemed to change quickly. And all because I was a dumbass that lost her keys and couldn't get into her house. I'm kind of glad I was locked out.

            "Don't worry so much." Jack held my face in his hands, his thumbs brushing along my cheeks.

            "If you knew me, you'd know that's not possible."

            He nodded his head. Maybe he did know me a bit better than I thought. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

            I was a little relieved he changed the subject, but it's how he avoids talking about anything. "I'm going to the lake with Lindy and the twins. But I can come over when I get back?"      

            He smiled sadly, "Yeah, sure."

            I opened the door and stepped outside. I turned around just to give Jack a small wave before walking over to my house. Everyone was home now. How to explain I've been gone all day shouldn't be a problem though. They know I've been with Lindy today and Lindy and James are the only ones that know about my arrangement with Jack. And they're also the only ones that know how I feel about him. It was impossible to lie to Lindy.

            The house was quiet when I stepped inside. I was a little relieved to know my grandparents were already in bed to avoid questions. It's hard to lie to them when they've given me so much. If it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today.

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