(12-B) Revenge / The strategy

Start from the beginning

"I'm surprised you even made it this far, paper. I'm impressed. Unfortunately, you won't make it that far though." WHO dose he think he is? The main character. Not on my watch. I pulled out my gun. Pointing it at him, OJ backed up and looked rather shocked. "Got you. You really thought it would be that easy? How pathetic." I said, sounding stern. It was over for him. After this, I will set everyone free. I will set myself free. I will. But OJ is my friend. He didn't kill me. We trusted each other. I liked him. But it's not the time for that.

That's when OJ knocked the gun out of my hands. I looked stunned, "Why did you-" Before I could finish my sentence, he tried pushing me to the floor, but I tried pushing him back. It was until I kicked him in the stomach by accident. I pushed him and grabbed the gun. He was looking at me, terrified. "Do you want to know why I never killed you?" He questioned me, expecting me to ask why, now he's begging for mercy? So I will let him live? So he could kill me?

I wasn't convinced. "It was because I.." He tried to finish his sentence, but he looked so eager to grab the gun, and that is what he did. He tried to think fast and snatch the gun. But I shot him just in him. I jumped by the sound of the gun. "bitch." I whispered. OJ screamed in pain. That's when the door and gate opened. 'Was this the end?' I thought. After this journey of this killing game, I can rest? Lightbulbs body was gone, only some dried blood stains left, but I didn't care anymore. I started crying from happiness of escaping, before I ran to the gate, I looked back at OJ, who was still bleeding from his chest, on the ground. "Paper...please don't leave me here..we are best buds right? I liked you! I was the best to you! Best buds don't leave each-other to die!" OJ stated. How could he say he liked me? After he tried to kill me? If he didn't do all of that I would of been flattered. "Sorry Oj, but best buds don't kill other people." I said, sternly. I continued to cry of happiness and sprinted out of the gate. There was a gem by the gate that had a spirit sign on it. I smashed it on the ground and all of the dead spirits fled into the forest. I felt as they were saying thank you to me. I felt as they were thanking me for setting them free from all the pain and suffering from those awful people. I ran after them into the forest ahead of me, leaving everything else behind, even OJ. OJ would have came with me if he didn't kill everyone. From now on, the spirits will guide me.

No. Nonono. I saw as paper left me and ran into the forest, and just like that he was gone. Gone gone gone. I couldn't see the flat piece of paper. 'After all I'd do for him? I liked him. He should be grateful he is still alive, otherwise I would have killed him. I would have slaughtered him. I would have...' I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt like something biting my leg and dragging me. I was screaming and crying as they dragged me. I was bleeding a lot. I was going to die from blood loss. I saw someone that looked like a tablet above me, holding a machete. "Sorry OJ, but rules are rules! You will regret everything. You really think you could run away from the consequences OJ. How funny OJ. How pathetic. What a fool. What a coward. This is what you deserve after you killed them all. You will rot in hell forever." Before I knew it I got stabbed by the machete, but when I got stabbed, I woke up? In the hotel, in my bed, completely fine. I looked at the clock, 4:00 PM.

I was sleeping what it seemed like forever, but in reality it was just a few hours. I walked out of my room, I saw some of he season two contestants and season one contestants, they looked completely fine. I walked downstairs. It looked like a madhouse. I saw paper panicking. "Oh! Hey OJ! Ever since you passed out everything was out of control! I just can't seem to calm everyone down!" Paper said, panicking. Passed out? 'Maybe that was all just a nightmare..' I thought. I saw that yin-yang was breaking the vase, "HAHAHAHA! TAKE THAT! HI OJ. Wait, OJ?" Yin-yang asked surprised. "Omga! Holy shit OJ, you passed out for a couple of hours we thought you died!" Lightbulb exclaimed. Other contestants gathered up to see what the commotion was all about.

After a while it died out and people got back to their own hobby's. "Did you rest well? Are you feeling any better? Are you-" paper kept asking how I was feeling and if I was ok, after all, I was knocked out for a few hours so I could see why he would ask that. "Yeah I'm ok...I'm ok." I said, paper looked concerned. "Really OJ? You look slightly freaked out, you and you looked stressed." That's when I thought about the dreams I wanted to tell him about the dream and what happened but he would think I'm just stupid. But would he think that? Maybe he had a dream or a fantasy about it too? Not really a fantasy...more like a nightmare? Yeah yeah...a nightmare. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Maybe it won't be so good? Should I tell him? Maybe when I'm ready though...but what if I'm not- "Hello? OJJJ you've been staring at me for the past 3 minutes..." paper said, seriously concerned. "If your stressed about something, you can always talk to me about it. I'll be on the couch when your ready to talk, or need to calm down." Paper said, than sat on the couch doing his own hobby. I decided to get a snack to calm down after that I decided to talk to paper about it.  But I hesitated, will he think I'm stupid? Or crazy? I'm not sure. But I ended up talking to him about it, but he didn't laugh at all. He just seemed confused and more concerned and worried. He claims that "maybe your just stressed." Maybe he's right, I have been a workaholic lately, and haven't been getting any sleep, maybe that is the reason why. I talked and chatted with paper and the others, mostly paper and the season one contestants for hours.

At times I can feel defaults presence.

I feel like he is waiting for me and the others to make a move.

So he will torture us.

In my imagination.




(After this, I will finally be working on the comic version for this, than my TDI school + band AU book! So stayed tuned! Maybe it will both release in December 2023 and April 2024!~)

(Most amount of words yet! Sorry I just had to finish this. I though that "I had to finish this books by or close to the end of 2023" so i did! Tell me! Should I make a murder party 2 or my TDI band + school AU? (I'm still making the murder party comic either way) or both?? Thank you for the support again.)


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