(4) Jurys order!

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Papers POV:
Well..I guess that's all. We can't prove the murder with only three items....At least it's better than nothing.

Your time is up! Go to the meeting room to discuss the murder! But who cares!

Eventually, we all went to the meeting room. "Okay everyone! Take a seat, take a seat." We all choose our seats "Okay everyone! All you have to do is...oh, you know the rest..." I was thinking of something to say, knife was the first one to speak, "Okay so, what do we discuss first?"...No response...Than oj spoke up, "Where the body was found, of course!.." Oj did have a point, we need to know where the body was found. "Okayyy, So thebodywasfoundinthekitchenat12:27oclockandtherewasaknifenearthebody-" Wait...The knife was the weapon! "Guys! I think I know what the weapon is!" Everyone looked at me, and I started explaining..."So, the knife was the weapon, to kill salt, right? The knife doesn't have any finger prints, so they might have used gloves to hide the finger prints! While that was happening, they might had left a orange peice of fabric for a hint."

Maybe that would give everyone an idea.."So the murderer had gloves?" Asked paintbrush, "Exactly! So that leaves out the people without gloves-" I was explaining when I got interrupted by someone.."WAIT!- What about the orange fabric..?" Asked marshmallow...She also had a point..! "But we don't know who would have orange fabrics..." 

Marshmallow spoke again.."Well, ask oj!" Everyone was looking at oj, suspiciously.."Oh now everyone thinks it's me? Just because I'm orange doesn't mean I had orange fabric..maybe paintbrush dose!.." Oj explained, everyone was looking at paintbrush now.."NOW YOUR LYING?! IM NOT THE MURDER!" ..Are they kidding right now?.."That's what a murder would say!"

"Ok! Time for the shooter to choose!" Next thing I knew, knife pulled out a gun, A FUCKING GUN. He pointed the gun at paintbrush, but than he pointed it at bow. The room echoed with a bang, with bow lying dead on the floor. He shot bow in the head..everyone was starring at him, shocked. Marshmallow was on the verge of tears as she was starting at bows body, bleeding out.

Than default spoke again "You got it...WRONG!" Than knife got shot too...three people dead. I could tell pickle wanted to cry too. "AAAAAAAAAAA!"..marshmallow was screaming, people were crying. Default only made it worst,"Ok! You can all try again tomorrow!" Everyone was sent to there rooms. When I got to mine, I immediately broke down into tears, questioning myself what could I had done to prevent this from happening..I didn't notice I cried my self to sleep.


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