(11-C) A Bulbs Quest

Start from the beginning

It ends there. That's weird. That's the day inanimate insanity aired. Must be written by mephone4, but why write something like this? Didn't know he had a diary. I read the next page.

"October 1 2011 entry 2"

"Everything else is going great so far! Just as I planned. Now since that's settled, I will focus more on the anniversary since it's soon! Hopefully it won't be to 'shabby' for them."

...Hm...maybe I will find some clues from this? Maybe some more background information! Maybe even some secrets! I flipped to the next page.

"December 7 2012 Entry 3"

"Today is the day of the finale! But it didn't go out as I planned. It was a rough, long journey but at least it's over with. Not really since there's gonna be a season 2. Turned out the Taco was a British maniac. OJ won the prize, I don't know how to feel."

I flipped through most of the pages, all of them were short and just telling what he did today or how he felt or feels, I flipped through the pages until one caught my eye.

"November 10 2018 Entry 6 1/2"

"Today we did a challenge, but everything went...??? We did this challenge. But at the end, Toilet had just reminded me. That was past my limit. I was done with him and his bullshit. Fan got eliminated. I never wanted to be reminded. How did he know? How did he.."

...? Reminded of what? I questioned myself...it must be his past, or something?? Oh well.. I didn't bother to read the rest. I set the notebook down and continued to explore. There was something taped on the wall. It was a blank sheet of paper. Really? Why waste paper like that? But it must be there for a reason...I tried to think of something..I lit up..I had an idea! I looked around. I saw a pencil underneath the notebook. I grabbed it and scribbled on the paper. There was a code! A four digit code, there were two of them. They both were '6237'and '0988'. They both may be useful! I grab the sheet of paper and tried to look for a code thingy... That's when I stumbled upon a door I didn't see before...

It was a black door with the label "KEEP OUT" on it...dumbass..why put that on there? That's just gonna make me enter the door! I open the door, there were stairs..? It might lead to a basement! I turned on the flashlight and walked down the basement stairs..That's when I walked into some sort of layer...it had cameras of all of the rooms... and two other doors. There were some colorful buttons on the manual in-front of the cameras..cool!

There were two doors, but which one to enter? I try entering the left door first, I was default sleeping on what seems like a hospital bed. Ick..I slowly close the door. Hoping to not make any sound..I didn't. I go to the right door. I slowly open it and I stumbled upon what seems life a vault. I noticed it had a strong smell. I pick up the piece of paper with the two codes. I try '6237' first...nothing. I try '0988'...it opened, but what I found made my face pale.

It was the rotting body's of the victims. There were bugs and maggots eating them with no hesitation. Some of them were eating the heads of the victims..But than Paintbrush's head.. fell. off.

Their head was nearly bone. Nearly no flesh left to be seen. There were maggots and bugs eating them full. I almost threw up everything I ever eaten. I quickly exited the basement with the paper still in my hand. "No..nonono...default definitely did that on purpose, right.?! There's no way..." I wouldn't stop thinking about it, that's when I threw up.

"I have to get out of here." I whispered to myself. I quickly ran to the door. I realized there was a code thingy. That wasn't there before.. Why is default adding things on purpose?? I enter the code '6237'...the door opened. I was stunned..I couldn't move. I saw that the sky was a slight dark blue. There was a garden. There was a pathway leading up to a gate. "Is this it?" I asked, "After all this time? Why didn't I think this before? I grabbed my flashlight and sprinted to the gate. But it wouldn't open. Lightbulb freaked out.

"A key. I need a key." I needed a key before OJ could get me. I quickly ran inside back in the mansion, I dashed up the stairs and too my room to find something that was a key, I found nothing, right when I was about to go back downstairs, OJ was in-front of me, "AAH!" I yelled in surprise. "WHAT THE FUCK? WHY??" I wondered, almost screaming. I saw that he was holding a key on his finger, twisting it around. "Really." I said, disappointed. Is he really going to do this now?! I need to get out. I want out. But what about Paper and Baseball? They matter too, right? We DID promise we would 'end' OJ, for the sake to end this game, that reminded me..That's when OJ was holding a knife in his hands. "..OJ?" I asked, terrified. "Now I wonder..what about Paper and Baseball?" OJ whispered under his breath..I could hear him you know..?

"Man..FUCK YOU." I said, pushing him back, I tried running out of the room but he yanked my leg, pulling me back, I almost fell. I kicked him and he let go. I ran out of the room. As I ran down the stairs, almost falling, OJ was after me, he was chasing me, I needed a weapon. I tried running into the kitchen. I searched through the drawers. That's when I saw a box cutter, that's when I got an idea! I could use this as a weapon, that's when OJ was in the kitchen, perfect. He was taking slow steps first with the knife in his hands. Than he charged at me with full force. He tried to stab me..but not if I could stab him first. He tried to stab my chest, but I pushed him off of me with enough force, than I stabbed his hand so he could get distracted. "AACCHH!!" OJ screamed in agony. I grabbed the key off his finger and ran out of the kitchen to the exit, OJ was chasing after me, but he was to focused on the pain on his hand. I ran to the gate, unlocking it. "Is this it..?" I mumbled..I saw the dark blue sky getting lighter. After all this suffering and death, I could finally leave? Is this the end? The end of the story? What about paper? What about baseball? What about the ghost? What about default? I was lost in my thoughts to notice OJ behind me looking angry.

I turned around to see that OJ was about to stab me. 'I had to think fast' I thought. Without thinking, I stabbed him in the head. He froze. Than in a few seconds he fell to the ground. "Wha-" I was about to finish my sentence, but I was to shocked. "I really did it..?" I asked whispering. I really killed OJ? It's finally over. I killed OJ, the gates of are open, I can finally rest..I can't finally rest.. I started to walk out of the gate. There was a forest ahead of me. I started to walk over to the forest.

But I guess I got my hopes too high. Because when I thought I was about to escape..


I was wrong.



(WOO-HOO this is probably the most longest and my most favorite chapter I have ever written (1800 WORDS?!) And no it is not over. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER PEOPLE YIPPEE!)

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