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"Hey, bro!" America excitedly, yelled. Recently, I was invited to go on a trip with America. A vacation of sorts. At first, I would've declined but I really hadn't been out much. I remember New Zealand and Papua New Guinea complaining, and urging me to take a break from work.

"When's the last time you spent time for yourself? Or even, had a vacation?"

"Bro, you should rest."

For their sake, I agreed to going out for a vacation. Originally, 2 days MAX. But things didn't go as planned…

"You ready for best vacation you've ever had?" He held onto my shoulder and pulled me in close. His bright, smug smile was enough for me to turn around and leave, but I had already packed and couldn't be bothered unloading my suitcase.

Elbowing him in the stomach, he grunted as he dropped to his knees groaning. "Oow.." He coughed.

"First off, don't grab me like that. Second, I'm only going on this trip to get the whole Oceania out of my hair." I grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. But that doesn't mean we can't bond, right?" He weakly stood up, continuing to smile widely. Rolling my eyes, I frowned and walked past him onto the plane.

Our vacation was taking place in South America. America wanted to catch up with Colombia and Venezuela, while I decided to meet up with a good friend of mine. Brazil. We'd known each other for years and mainly talked through texts or calls, since we lived so far apart. Almost once a year, I'd visit and this was my first visit of the year. All I thought about was our last interaction…

"Hey! Bro, wake up!" America clicked is fingers and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Tired?"

"No." I stated.

Waiting at the airport, Colombia and Venezuela showed up and picked us up.

"Ahaha, America! Como has estado, amigo?" Colombia chuckled while driving.

"El gringo sobrevivió al vuelo! Hola Australia." Venezuela smiled, holding onto their seat.

"Nice to see you, mate." I smirked.

Resting against the window, I gazed at the amazing landscape and clear skies. It was a perfect day. Colombia, Venezuela and America were all busy talking to each other. Although, it was mainly Colombia and Venezuela laughing at America's lack of understanding Spanish.

"Do you know any Spanish, Australia?" Colombia asked.

I chuckled. "I know enough to know America is clueless."

"Hey, I'm not clueless! Ask me anything in Spanish!" He turned to Venezuela, confidently.

"Qué quieres que te diga?" America stared at him blankly while we all held in our laughter. He looked out the window and pointed at the sky.

"Very clear skies!" He exclaimed.

Venezuela bursted out with laughter while Colombia and I snickered, quietly.

"What? It's my accent, isn't it?"

Colombia had dropped off America with Venezuela and left me at Brazil's doorstep. Unloading my stuff, I glanced at Colombia and smirked.

"I didn't even mention going to Brazil?"

"You didn't have to." He chuckled, looking at the front door open. There stood Brazil, waving at me.

"Thanks." I whispered before carrying my luggage into Brazil's place.

Walking inside, I was in awe of Brazil’s home. His house was a mix between contemporary furniture with natural elements, along with a massive window showcasing the rainforest in all its glory. Something Brazil and I shared deeply was our passion and love for native wildlife. He immersed himself and his home in it, similar to me. I stood at the glass wall staring out into the dark forest, listening to the late singing of birds as the sunset.

“What a fucking view.”

His hands crept behind me and held onto my shoulders. “I see you like the window as much as I do?” He hummed. Holding onto my waist, he rested his head beside me and nudged, “Oh! Look over there.”

Catching our attention was a big, lean jaguar strolling by. Its eyes flickered when glancing at us but it wasn’t bothered by us. We watched it quickly become alert and sprint off into the vast jungle. I nudge Brazil off and slowly drop my bags.
“Okay, enough with the majestic wildlife.” I joked.

“Aw, no more cuddling?” He teased.

Eventually, I settled in and had a change of clothes into something more comfortable. A navy sleeveless turtleneck with baggy track pants and socks. Naturally, I had to slide around for a bit. Gliding against polished floors with socks will never get old, no matter how old I get. Pouncing from behind the couch, I shove Brazil.

“Boo.” I said, happily. He moved over as I flipped over, sitting beside him. “So, any plans?”

“Hm, I have one.” Magically, he pulls a fine bottle of Cachaça, specifically Leblon. “Huh?” He smiled at my excited reaction. The cold bottle sparkled under the dim lights with its distinct, strong sweet scent escaping into the air as he poured into our glasses. God, I’m such an alcoholic. I was basically jumping in my seat and giggling as if I was already drunk.

“I haven’t had this in ages!” I took a sip and sighed in relief. “Still as sweet as I remember. Not overbearingly sweet but enough for you to enjoy its earthy aftertaste.”

“Didn’t know it was such a favorite for you. If you want, I could start importing some your way, if you’d like.”

“Don’t bother. It's much better when I can only have it with you, in person.” I smiled softly, taking another sip. “Makes the 19+ hour flight all the more worth it.”

Smiling at each other, we clinked our glasses together and cheered.

“Saúde, carinha!”

“Cheers!” I followed.

Jungle Down Under {Australia x Brazil}Where stories live. Discover now