N0's daily routine

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N0 :"Its quite boring but now we're here to share it with you."

All of this is in N0's P.O.V. so he might be lying for someparts.

N0 :"Don't worry I 'won't'. Lets get started now shall we?"

9 a.m.
Get up, barge into Nega's room, teleport him infront of a church bell, watch him fly into 2's window.

10 a.m.
Eat breakfast even though we don't need to, destroy Nega in mario kart for Two hours strait.

12 a.m.
Mess with the blocks (mainly 2), tease 55 because he doesn't have boots, repeatedly say 13 and 26's names, beat up Octonaughty, ... beat up Octonaughty!, tease the heroes because why not, make sure 0 doesn't erase the whole world (again), BEAT UP OCOTNAUGHTY AGAIN! (Dude can't catch a break), and finally write the script for the next day... for THREE HOURS STRAIT!

3 p.m.
Eat lunch, then take a Two hour nap.

5 p.m.
Fix spelling mistakes in the plot, teleport foot/soccerballs onto 11 and 22's heads, make 2 trip, remind/help P teleport A.

6 p.m.
Eat what did you expect?, steal the TV remote, watch netflix with Nega.

7 p.m.

N0 :"And that is all. Buh-bye."


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