"I know you did not just touch me." I spat and grabbed my pepper spray and took off his glasses and sprayed him right in his eyes making him let go of me and wipe his eyes in pain.

As I was tucking my pepper spray back in my purse all 9 men approched me in a side by side line.

"Oh you all must want some?" I asked and pulled my pepper spray back out. "Because I'll be glad to spray all you up." I spat and arched my eyebrow as they all looked pissed off.

"Indietro." A thick Italian accent said making the men back up as I gave a forced smile and tucked my pepper spray back in my purse.

The man that got out the Range Rover came into view and lord he was finer up close. His slight freckles, his nose piercing, his red slightly cheeks.

"Cosa è successo" he deeply said as he looked at his men. "Ha spruzzato uno spray al peperoncino su De'Angelo" the body guard spoke as I stood there with my arms crossed ready to walk away.

He looked my way and took off his sunglasses revealing his blue eyes that probably matched the water fall that's erupting in my underwear.

Okay! That's enough Maliah.

"Come hai lasciato che una donna piccola ti spruzzasse lo spray al peperoncino?" He asked the bodyguards now looking at them and they stayed quiet.

The male shook his head and held up his hand making the body gaurds lean against the car. "Are you okay?" He asked me with his thick accent and I nodded as I didn't miss his tongue piercing. I brushed past him feeling his eyes burn through my body.

"What the fuck was that?" Enzo my best friend said as he dipped the corner making me stop from a mini heart attack.

"I almost pepper sprayed your black ass!" I spat and he laughed and shook his head. "Seriously, who were those fine men?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Don't know them but one of them decided to grab my arm because I was too close to the head person or whatever and I pepper sprayed his ass because who does he think touching random civilians? It's New York, he should know better." I spat as I looked back to see the men still looking at me but once he noticed I looked back he turned his head and walked into the expensive building with all the 10 men who were shooting daggers at me.

I quickly flipped them off as I looked infront of me at Enzo. He laughed and puckered his lips. "Bitch I get it it's New York but it's the Hamptons." He said as I continued to walk.

He has a point but it's New York point blank period. You shouldn't put your hands on no one even if it's the whitest city in New York.

"Just because it's the whitest part doesn't mean nothing. I grew up in east Brooklyn, we both grew up in Brooklyn." I calmly said as Enzo walked besides me.

"You know what, let's forget I even said anything because honestly everything your saying is going into my left ear out through my right. So since you've moved how about we celebrate at this club I've been dying to go too?" Enzo happily said making me glance over at him and scoff even though I was dying in laughter inside.

"Uh, don't give me that look. Let's turn up! Drinks would be on me, how about that?" Enzo said and I smiled.

"Okay, now we're talking. Pick me up at 11pm." I giggled out as I looked at my freshly done white French tip nails.

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