𝟎𝟎𝟔; ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

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SEPHTIS SIGHED he is born of of an icy embrace. A creature of power. His eyes burn with a cold, unfeeling gaze, and his heart is as frozen as winter's haze. With a soul so twisted, and heart unkind. He seeks power and control, at any cost. His ambitions, like flames, can never be lost.

So many questions so little answers.

His voice, like ice, cuts like a blade, and his power, like a glacier, never fades. A being of darkness, with every breath. Yet his strength and beauty, cannot be denied, a being of impossibilities, forever to abide. His heart, though cold, beats with a force, a desire for power, a hunger to endorse, for in his veins, flows the blood of the Norse, a creature of power, with no earthly odds.

'He is of Norse descent' The Ravenclaws wrote down in their notes on him.

His parents union was that of mere convenience, each hoping to use the other's power to their advantage.

Everyone piqued interest at the mention of his parents. After all they wonder who could produce a child like Sephtis De la Verlac.

Sephtis was the product of this union.

His relationship between his parents is a complex one, marked by a sense of distance and ambivalence. While he inherited certain traits from both of them, he does not have a close emotional bond with either of them. This lack of emotional connection contributed to his desire for power and his tendency to rely on his own abilities rather than seeking help or support from others.

Sephtis sighed.

Sephtis's mother, is known for her wisdom and strategic thinking. While she is not physically present in Sephtis's life, her influence can be seen in his intelligence and cunning. Sephtis may have inherited his mother's strategic thinking and her ability to read people, which he uses to his advantage in his pursuit of power.

While this is true his relationship with his more is more complex than that.

Sephtis inherits many of his mother's traits which alone sets him apart from most and makes him a figure of great significance in the eyes of many.

Despite their shared heritage, however, Sephtis and his mother do not have a typical mother-son relationship. His mother is known in to be a cold and distant figure. This aspect of her personality is reflected in her interactions with her son, as she is not known to be warm or nurturing towards him.

Instead, his mother's influence on Sephtis is more indirect, manifesting in his own affinity for darkness and death. Sephtis's powers are said to be derived from his mother, and he is known to possess a deep understanding of the mysteries of life and death that surpasses that of most mortals.

Overall, Sephtis's relationship with his mother is one of respect and reverence, tempered by a certain distance and otherworldly detachment that reflects their respective positions. While they may not share the same kind of emotional bond as mortal mother and son, their connection is nonetheless a powerful one that shapes Sephtis's identity and fuels his ambitions.

Sephtis's relationship with his father, is more complicated. While he recognized Sephtis's natural talent for magic and took him under his wing, their relationship was one of convenience rather than affection. he saw Sephtis as a potential ally in his quest for power and control, rather than as a son to be loved and nurtured.

With his father is relationship is just as complex if not more than his with his mother's.

Sephtis's relationship with his father, is also a multifaceted one, shaped by the legacy of his father and own status.

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄; ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now