Kill the Demons

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Currently, the entirety of the Jaegers (Y/N included) were ordered to protect Bolic. He was a very high priority person, as the Minister insisted that we protect him. 

"I have no interest for playing with your pets. But, as for those spies watching my team since we walked in, I'd love to meet them." Esdeath stated, surprising the Jaegers, as they didn't sense them.

"Oooh, well played. I should have expected you'd notice." As he said this, he snapped his finger and four people dropped down from the roof. 

"I borrowed these highly disturbed from the Imperial Fist temple to keep this religion under my control. Say hello to the Four Rakshasa Demons." 

POV Change, Y/N POV

'Those guys are scary...' 

Being scared, I hid behind Kurome, ignoring the conversation going on.

However, "This one's quite the cutie!" Turning around, I saw a very weird girl behind me. She was showing off quite a lot of skin and had strange ashy blond hair and green eyes.

"Be careful, I might just eat you up!" After she said this, I immediately burrowed my head into Kuromes back, seeking shelter. Looking up, I whispered, "I don't like these guys..." 
Kurome just looked down at me and smiled, calming me down a little bit. 

I went back to ignoring the conversation and instead went to my now room, pulling out the device the Boss gave me. 

"Hello? Hello?" I spoke into it, not quite sure how to use it. Pressing a button on the side of it, I tried again, "Hello? Akame?" A few seconds later, I heard a response from it, "Y/N? How are you, buddy!" 

I heard Akames voice coming through it, getting excited, I almost forgot why I decided to use it, "I'm fine! But, you guys need to be careful! They know you're in the city! Also, there are these creepy people called the four...the four...the Four Raksasafa...I don't know how to say it. The Four something Demons!"

"The Four Rakshasa Demons?", replying quickly, "Yeah, those guys! They're here and they're hunting you guys!" Akame sounded a little concerned, but replied, "Thank you for telling me Y/N. I'll let the others know. One more thing, please Y/N. Stay safe. I love you!" 

Quickly telling her I love her back, I got in my bed, however I was ready in case I was called. 


Time skip

Currently the Jaegers were gathered in a room still inside the building, under the order to protect Bolic. 

Esdeath had let us all know that 3 of the four Demons have been killed in one night.


Time skip again

It was later in the day and we were all looking for Night Raids hideout.

I was ordered back to the capital by Esdeath, she wanted me to continue my training as almost everyone in Night Raid was stronger than me.

' I won't get to see Akame for who knows how long! I just want to sleep with her and hug her and all...stupid Esdeath! Whatever.' 

Getting back to Kuromes room (Who wasn't currently here) I pulled out the device as I heard some strange news. 

"Akame! Akame!", quickly, Akame responded, "What's wrong buddy?", responding, "There is a new group of Imperial Arms users. I think they're being called Wild Hunt. You gotta be careful!" 

After I told Akame this, she responded with a thank you and left me be. 
Deciding to actually do some training like Miss Esdeath asked, I went outside. However, I heard a loud explosion. Running over to the sound, I saw...

Akame Ga Kill x Male Child Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now