thirty eight - thirty million dollors

Start from the beginning

She glared at the food, "If you make me eat that i'll puke more."

"It'll make you feel better." I try and she buries her head in her legs and sobs.

I rub her back and pull her hair back and sit there defeated, "Im sorry, this is my fault. I shouldn't have come over if I was drinking myself."

"You didn't give us the alcohol." Lina says rubbing her temples, "You just came over and borrowed my metro card to take the Subway to Camela or something. We took the alcohol ourselves from your stash while everyone was at rehearsal dinner."

"And you made us pinky promise to be flower men or something." Lucia adds and I sigh out in relief, "Okay, okay I can work with that."

I watch as Roman sits down next to a crying Lina, and rubs her back kindly before saying softer than i've ever heard him talk to anyone, "Just drink the water okay? You'll feel better."

She leans over and cries on his shirt, and he crinkles up his face for a moment before reluctantly giving his younger cousin a 1/4 of a hug before shoving her, "Get off."

After that it was off to freaking Camela, windows down, my hair slapping around my face, and an hour into our two hour drive to confirm the reservation, Roman turns to me abruptly.

I take out my earbud and raise my eyebrows and he clears his throat, "Liliana, I need to talk to you."

My heart instantly drops as I take a breath, "Um, okay? You're kind of scaring me."

He rubs the back of his neck, "It's- sorry. You can't fucking hate me okay?"

"Did you kiss another girl?" I squeak the words out, yanking out my earbuds as New Romantics blasting through them was not fitting the theme.

Romans eyes widen, "No! Jesus fuck why would you even say that?"

I sigh, thankful, "Im sorry, now please tell me what you were saying?"

"You know how I had to move to California for soccer because my dad owns the team?" Roman says and I nod for him to continue and he does, "Im thinking of buying the team from him."

"How much is it buy a soccer team damn?" I scratch my head.

Roman shrugs, "Like thirty million."


I turn 180 degrees toward him, "YOU told me you made 20,000 bucks a year? YOU LIAR."


"Technically we have thirty million dollars laying around, because my money is yours. But that's besides the point Liliana." He paused almost nervously, "What do you, um think about it?"

I smile still low-key shocked because damn, "That's amazing! I have no idea what buying a soccer team does but you seem happy about it so I am too."

I get a small smile from him as he chuckles, "Means I can move anywhere I want."

To my confused his face, he says, "Im buying the team so I can move to New York. To you, to us."

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