01. | august

16 1 3

The air filled with condensation as I huffed each breath out of my mouth. The sound of our heavy breathing mingled with the distant hum of traffic, and the streetlights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows across our faces. I still can't believe it's only the middle of August, and I'm trembling from frigid, cold weather.
     We were already late to meet at the address sent to Cree. If it weren't for the damned WiFi, we would've gotten the text a lot sooner. It wasn't exactly easy to be discreet when you're practically running.

I rub my hands together, hoping for warmth from the friction as we enter an alleyway. My heart began throbbing at the excitement. Cree must've felt my energy.
     "Y'know, one of these days, we ain't gonna be so lucky coming to these fights. We're gonna get caught, Silas." he chortled as he glanced at me.
     I lightheartedly smirk as we approach a large assemblage of people standing in a circle.
     "If you keep talking that way, you just might jinx us," I say, shaking my head in denial.
     The crowd was becoming larger as we got closer. Cree stepped ahead of me, us both throwing our hoods over our heads, simultaneously. He began forcing his body through people, making his way to the open space in the middle. Now I was almost exhilarated.
     I noticed the kumpur on the ground, surrounded by first aid supplies and water bottles. Don't mind if I do, I guess.

Normally I would come more prepared, but Cree sprung this one on me last minute. Any other time, it's me who's begging him to go to these things, but there was something about this fight tonight that was different than the habitual street fight. It was someone I knew. I couldn't pass it up.
     They say that if you seek revenge, to dig two graves. One for them, and one for yourself. It's ugly, no doubt. It's just that this time, I'm exceptionally prideful. There's no way I'm leaving this without winning.
I began to wrap my hands with the kumpur, sure to make it snug. Then I proceeded to remove my hoodie along with my shirt underneath, leaving me bare-chested.
As I proceeded toward the center, Cree laid a firm hand on my back.
     "We only got fifteen to twenty minutes. Let's keep it short and sweet, my guy," he said before patting me, and then stepping away from me.
My fists clenched tightly as I turned to face my opponent. Tevin Davis.

He looked to have been training. He was notably more in shape than the last time I had seen him. We were set up in a similar situation, but I had the disadvantage of not being as well trained then, unlike right now. That was almost a year ago. I've been training like an animal since then, and I'm not about to embarrass myself.
     We set in motion, circling each other. His eyes were soulless. I let out a huff as I shook my body loose, chuckling a tad nervously.
     "The animosity could quite literally slice you with a knife right now, huh?" I fooled, starting to bounce slightly as I prepared my body.
"Bro, just shut up and fight. Not all that talking shit." he spat, setting a maniacal tone.
     Raising my brows briskly, whilst shrugging off his comment, an onset of energy fueled my insides rapidly.
     Like an arrow from a bow, I lunged an arm forward, my fist flying through the chilly air. It collided with his cheekbone, causing him to stumble back. From that moment, I knew it was all up.
     He snapped his head toward me, confidently angrier. He was flabbergasted as some would say. I on the other hand was having a grand time.
     As he re-positioned himself, I did the same. His nostrils flared wide, he sucks in a wad of breath, taking a swing. Just in time, I duck my head, sending a fist at his torso, but not a great one. Not enough to take him down.
     "Silas, ten minutes! Let's go!" Cree urged, clapping his hands.
     I took a quick look at him before looking back at Tevin. Instead, I was met with his fist, connecting right into my cheek, making my head bob straight back like a Rock'em Sock'em.

Taking a step backward, I shake my head vigorously, taking my forearm to my face to wipe my cheek, feeling it throb momentarily. I smile at him.

"That's no fair. I wasn't looking." I vocalize, sarcastically.

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