kaminari laughed softly, hugging katsuki tightly with a wide smile on his face. "i can't believe you kissed me- that makes me so happy."

Katsuki rested his forehead on the others. "I..couldn't help it..it just..felt right..needed..I dont know..maybe I'm stupid. " he sighed a bit.

"no no no no- don't call yourself stupid, man, you are very much not stupid. if you hadn't kissed me then we probably would've never kissed at all and stayed friends even if were soulmates. so you're real smart."

Katsuki laughed a bit. "You think so?" He questioned as he looked into the others eyes. "Hey..um..so do you maybe want to be my boyfriend then..?" He was so anxious to be asking this..but...he really did like him.

kaminari stared at katsuki for a few seconds with wide eyes, nodding quickly and hugging katsuki even tighter. "hell yeah! oh my god yes! i would love to be your fucking boyfriend!"

Katsuki couldn't help bit smile a bit, connecting their lips again happily. He never thought he'd have a boyfriend.

kaminair kissed katsuki back happily, cupping katsuki's cheeks and soon breaking it. "if we tell mina about this she will lose her marbles."

The blonde shrugged a bit. "She already was asking me about it." He said before he thought for a second. He walked over to his bed and grabbed his phone.

Denki watched katsuki grab his phone, becoming confused. "are you now gonna tell mina that were dating? she is so gonna bust down your door, bro."

"Eh not exactly. " he commented before he walked back over to the other male. "Actually wait." He went to his closet and grabbed his favorite shirt, walking back to denki. He held it out to him, wanting him to put it on since he was wearing denki's shirt.

Kaminari looked at the shirt, then at katsuki again. slowly taking it. "you sure, dude? this is like your favorite shirt, you wear it all the time." he said, kinda septically. shrugging a bit before slipping of his shirt and pulling on katsukis.

Katsuki looked at him. He looked cute in his shirt. His favorite person in his favorite shirt.. he moved close to the other and wrapped an arm around him pulling him in close. He held his phone up to take a photo of the two together. Though he wasn't smiling you could tell by the glint in his eye he was happy.

Kaminari smiled happily for the photo, he could tell that katsuki was happy as well because of the small glint in his eye. Though many people would never notice that because theyve never accidentally observed katsukis face.

Katsuki posted the photo on his story before he gently took the others hand in his own, looking it over gently. "Your hands are smaller then I thought they'd be." He mumbled.

Kaminari watched happily as he posted the picture. watching as katsuki held his hand. "My hands are not that small! you just have big ass hands compared to mine." he defended. mina already started spamming the everloving shit out of katsukis phone.

Katsuki held his hand flat to denki's. "My hands aren't that big." He said as he looked at their hands for a few moments. He then interweaved their fingers together.

Denki watched as he intertwined their fingers, a smile spreading across his face. "Look! we're holding hands!" He said excitedly, almost like a happy puppy. a happy, stupid, puppy.

Katsuki looked at his face. "Don't push your luck Pikachu." He said as they made eye contact. He was going to say something else before there was loud knocking on his door. He made a face and rolled his eyes.

Denki snickered softly, looking over at the door when he heard a knocking sound. becoming curious about who it was. he let go of katsukis hands, walking over to the the door and opening it.

Katsuki was quiet as he stood there, looking towards the door. "Denki!!!!" Mina called out with a bright smile quickly hugging him. "You guys dating right?"

Kaminari happily hugged her back. "hey, mina!!" Kaminari looked over at katsuki when she asked the question. not knowing yet if katsuki wanted anyone to know or not.

Katsuki gave Denki a slight nod before he looked away and walked over to his bed. Mina saw the nod and seemed extremely excited for them. "And you're wearing his favorite shirt?! "

Kaminari watched the nod, his smile growing. he was surprised that mina had gotten to the dorm so quickly, but he knew how excited she was when her ships would sail. "yeah, i am! he let me wear it and its pretty nice!"

Katsuki was sat on his bed as he watched the two.

Mina squealed in happiness. "What would be a good ship name..mmm." she was thinking about it. "Denksuki? Katdenk?" She giggled a bit as she glanced at Katsuki who rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out.

Denki noticed how much quieter katsuki was when he was around other people, he would talk more then it was just the two of them. He listened to mina talk about ship names, shrugging a bit. "I think kamibaku would be pretty cool for a ship name!! now i think your boyfriend misses you-"

Mina laughed softly. "Yeah that's cute. I will give you guys your space. Just don't do anything I wouldnt." She joked with a laugh before giving the other a hug and leaving.

Kaminari had laughed softly at what she had said, sitting on katsukis bed when she had left. folding his hands in his lap. "i feel like mina would relaly do anything- so whats something she wouldnt do?"

Katsuki shrugged a little. "Don't know, don't care." He said as he moved and rested his head on the others shoulder.

kaminari wrapped an arm around him, resting his head on katsuki's. "alright then, kats." he said, just enjoying being close to katsuki.

words: 2373

//and that's the end, i would write more but i'm lazy and it's like basically 4 in the morning. thank you so much for reading and i'll see you next time <3//

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