1K 18 6

C h a p t e r   3


{song#2: I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift}

(WARNING: the middle of this chapter has a bit of violence, so if you are sensitive to violence due to bullying, please skip that part)

Me and Alia were already ready for school and walked to Gorya's house, so we could all walk to school together. The sun was shining brightly and there was a soft wind blowing, it was the perfect weather and it felt like it was going to be a great day. We finally arrived at Gorya's house and smiled upon seeing the girl. 

"Hey Gorya, you are looking pretty today."

Alia said while approaching the girl, winking. Gorya laughed and responded,

"You're not looking too bad yourself."

I shook my head and linked arms with them,

"Guys, don't make me a third wheel."

I said pouting and they laughed, ruffling my hair before we all headed towards school.

We finally arrived at school, going to our lockers first. Sadly I didn't have a locker close to Alia and Gorya's, while theirs were right next to each other, so I bid them goodbye before heading towards my locker to grab my books and materials I needed for the day. I opened my locker humming to a song that I couldn't get out of my head. I looked up and suddenly dropped my backpack. I saw a red card at the top of my locker, I took it out and immediately grabbed my books, hiding the red card in my backpack and rushing to an empty classroom, closing the door and locking it. I got out the red card and ripped it up, I didn't deserve this. Gorya told us all about the "red card" and how terrible it would be for you if you got one. Now I got one, for defying those brats? I looked up seeing a couple people bang on the classroom door and my eyes widened. They saw the red card, everyone knows. The group of boys got inside the classroom and locked the door, before coming closer. I backed away until I reached the back of the classroom, I cursed at myself for thinking about locking myself in a classroom. Suddenly two of the boys tied my hands together before another boy looked at me and chuckled.

"Thyme is going to be very happy when he sees the state you are going to be in."


He starts punching and kicking my stomach hard, before pulling my hair to look up at him as if he was annoyed.

"Why aren't you unconscious yet?!"

He then bangs my head against the closest table, making me start to lose consciousness, crying hard at how much pain I was in. He then continued kicking my stomach until my body couldn't take it anymore. I fainted and blood was all over me, the last thing I saw was the gang laughing before someone picked me up. 


I heard the sound of the school bell, signaling that class were over which caused me to wake up. I then saw Gorya talking to Thyme, I was wet and on the ground blood everywhere around me. I then realized I was in the arena. I got up slowly my head pounding from the pain that was caused by my head hitting the desk. Thyme caught my movement and realized that I was awake causing him to smirk.

"Look who finally decided to wake up."

I slowly got up, my whole body was in pain, feeling like I got hit by a truck. I suddenly saw that everyone was watching this go down, like I was entertainment. I then saw the rest of the f4 members and scoffed, so tired of this. 

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