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C h a p t e r   9

{First kiss}

{song#8: Everytime by Ariana Grande}

It has been a while since the chaotic zoo date. Things blew up with Gorya and Thyme but they ended up mending their problems. Thyme wants to be with Gorya, however Gorya is trying to deflect. Me and MJ have gotten even more close, but Ren stopped texting me. He seems even more distant.

I walk to school with Gorya and Alia, us talking about exams and plans to hang out this weekend. We finally arrive at school and we head to the canteen since we have a break before classes start. Thyme immediately goes to Gorya and they start their usual bantering. Alia looks up at Kavin, I know she wants to be with him. 

"Ren is back."

All four of our heads whip towards Kavin and MJ and sure enough Ren is walking towards them. He sits on the ledge and looks down at Gorya first, but then he looks at me and my heart stops beating and then suddenly starts beating incredibly fast. He is back. It felt like months and years of him being gone and now...he is sitting there. Less than a mile away from me, when he was miles away before. A wave of emotion takes over me as he starts descending the stairs to approach us with Kavin and MJ behind him. The feeling grows and then I feel like throwing up so I decide I have to leave. I leave and hear Alia whisper where are you going but I am already too far from her to respond. I go around the corner and to the stairs. Luckily no one else is there so I feel more relaxed. I slowly peek around the corner to see Ren going closer to Gorya moving a strand of her hair out of her face. My heart falters and then I decide to sit at the bottom of the stairs, trying to take deep breaths. I distract myself by tying my shoes but the image of Ren and Gorya is already haunting my head. I turn around the corner and see that the boys and my friends have left. I slowly walk towards the doors and leave the school, deciding I needed some time to think and grandpa wouldn't be too mad. 

I arrived at a restaurant that I was very familiar with. I smiled as I entered the restaurant the amazing aroma of different Thai dishes enveloping me. I sit down at a tiny table near the window and order some small dishes, reading a book as I wait for my order. I smile as the dishes arrive and eat them happily. They taste good every single time. I finish eating my dishes and get up to exit as I am exiting the restaurant the person I do not want to see the most walks in. 

"Oh my ghosh Aanya, I was looking for you everywhere. Where did you go?"

I look at him and force myself to give a smile.

"Oh, I wasn't feeling that well today, sorry I couldn't welcome you back."

Ren gives a small frown but then pats my head causing me to swat his hand away. A wave of hurt flashes across his face but he does a good job of covering it up. He gives me another smile and sighs.

"That's totally fine...where are you going right now?"

"Are you going to come along?"

He shakes his head and I raise a brow questioning him, while he just gives me a smile.

"I am going to the park to clear my head. Well, welcome back and I hope you have a great meal!"

I quickly leave and end up at the park but as I am sitting down surely enough someone is sitting right next to me.

"You said you wouldn't follow me!"

He gives me a frown and lays his head down on my lap causing me to give him a shocked face.

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