07. welcome to Amsterdam

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The group landed quickly, since it was only an hour long flight. They all took a nap and tommy recorded a little for his vlog. After the landed, it took them about 45 minutes to get out of the airport. They came a day before twitchcon so they decited to make the most of it and hang out. They first when to their hotel and checked in. Wilbur was sharing a room with tommy and tubbo, unfortinetly, as he said, and riley shared a room with bill. Most of them, riley including, took a shower and changed. She changed into a black top and some jeans.

After they settled in, they went on a walk around the city and shopping. Riley was taking photos with her camera almost every 10 minutes. The city seemed gorgeous to her. She had also taken photos of her friends. Most of the time, they didn't know that she was doing so, but that was what she loved about the photos. They ver genuine.

It was around 2pm when wilbur got a call from phil. He, kristen and niki had aperently landed. That's when the five of them went to greet them at the airport since it wasn't far away from the hotel. After the three settled in aswell, the all went out for some drinks. Obviously, a normal amount, since they had to wake up early. They got back to the hotel at 9pm, all of them going to their rooms. Riley was talking with bill about tommorow, when she got a messege. Her phone was on the other side of the bed, near bill so she asked him if he could get it for her.

Will (:

Hey you wanna hang out? Kids are driving me crazy D:

»it's will« bill chuckled »he wants to hang out« he added as he threw the phone over to the girl. She smiled and thanked him. As she was typing her responce, he spoke up again.

»soo what's up with you two?«

»what do you mean?« riley asked confused as she sent the messege.

Will (:

Hey you wanna hang out? Kids are driving me crazy D:

The kids huh? XD
sure tho... i can come over in like 5ish minutes?

Okay great (:

»i don't know... you guys just seem really close. Like closer than me and you close« bill explained, pointing out, how close they were in the car.

»i mean we first started hanging out a little over a week ago, when he offered me his apartment so study in. After that was over, we just kinda texted and called. We're- friends i think« she answered while playing with her rings.

»sure mhm friends« bill chuckled looking at her.

»why are you chuckling?« she questioned, throwing a pillow at him.

»hve you seen how close you two are? Like you were basicly cudling in the car« he stated.

First riley was out of words, she didn't quite know how to answer since she knew that he wasn't exacly wrong. She just didn't know what to say since there was never anything more then a little flirting. But he jokingly flirted with all of his friends, right?

»look bill i don't know.. i have to go now, i'll see you later« she smiled, took her jacket and left their room. Wills room wasn't far away, just a couple doors down the hallway actualy. When she got there she knocked and peaked. »helloo? Anyone home« she said as she closed the door behind her. As soon as she took a step further tommys head popped up.

»WILLLLL THE WOMAN IS HERE« he yelled, way too loud for that hour.

»oh my fucking god tommy you know i can here if you talk normaly right?« will said, looking very annoyed with his jacked in hand. He smiled as he saw her and walked over. He quickly leaned down and whispered »thank you« beforetaking her hand and walking her out.

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