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School ended a few hours ago and the boys and I are currently lounging around Jules's apartment. 

"I really want her to be our friend. Do you think she likes us?" Jodie asks. 

"I've been talking to her in all the classes she has, she's a stubborn girl who seems to want to keep her distance from everyone. Yet in that small amount of time, I saw her walls slightly crack after talking to you, Jodie. I think if you continue to be your sweet and adorable little self, she'll truly want to be our friend." I tell him after a few minutes of consideration. Jodie crawls up into my lap. I wrap my arms around his small frame. 

"What if even I'm not enough for her to want to stick around? I have this feeling around her. It's similar to the one around you guys. I feel as if when she's with me I wouldn't be hurt, I feel oddly comfortable around her." I can hear the slight fear and hesitation in his voice at the thought of her not wanting to be around him. 

"Jodie, love, if this girl has any common sense, she will always want to be around you. You are an amazing boy. You can crack the walls of the strongest people with just a few smiles. How do you think you got me and Jagger to get along and eventually fall for each other, as we had for you?" Jules asks him. 

"Tell me the story again. Please," Jamie pleads. He met us after the three of us were already together. 

"Me and Jagger were school enemies. We were the school jock and the school bad boy. We fought over the smallest things. I was sixteen, he was fifteen at the time. We had the largest prank wars." Jules starts off as Jamie curls up in his lap like Jodie is doing with me. 

"One day, this small fourteen-year-old got caught in the middle. I had set up paint to fall on Jules's head when he walked in. I thought that there wouldn't be anyone else walking through the doors. It just so happened that on that particular day, Jodie had been kept after class." I speak next smiling down at the small white-haired boy in my lap. 

"The paint fell on me. I immediately thought the prank was aimed at me. I had bad anxiety, and it always felt like people were staring at me, so I tried to stay in the shadows, out of everyone's eyesight. As soon as I heard laughs spread across the room, I fell to my knees, the panic took over." Jodie says his part softly, playing with the strings of his hoodie.

"I had walked in just in time to see the small boy crumple. I immediately felt the urge to protect him, so I lifted the shaking child into my arms and carried him to the nearest bathroom. He didn't have spare clothes on him, so I left to go get some that I had in my locker." Jules laughs slightly. 

"I saw Jules leave, so I went in to apologize. I felt so bad. I had a similar urge to the one Jules had. I wanted to keep this boy safe, and I swore I'd do anything in order to do that. The small boy saw me, and his eyes welled with tears and he cowered back, begging for me to not hate him. I walked to him and held his hands gently as I apologized profusely for what had happened. I explained to him that the paint wasn't meant for him as I cleaned it off his face and started to get it out of his hair." I say petting Jodie's head fondly. 

"I came back soon after to see my enemy taking care of the boy I wanted to protect. I had him pinned to the wall in a heartbeat. I looked into the eyes of the smaller boy, he looked up at me defiantly despite the fact that he was pinned and couldn't move. Before I could do anything to rough him up for touching what I wanted, Jodie had spoken up." Jules speaks as he adjusts Jamie on his lap. 

"I was scared, two boys who were so kind to me when nobody else was, were at each other's throats. I hate violence, and they looked ready to murder one another. So I yelled for them to stop. Jules had taken a few steps away from Jagger when he saw the look on my face. I asked them to not fight. They look disgusted at the fact that they might have to try to get along. I just gave them my best puppy eyes and they both softened, hesitantly agreeing to make some form of truce." Jodie giggles. 

"Jodie went home after he was all cleaned up and in new clothes, his bastard of a father needed him for something. That's a different story. Anyways, after he left, Jagger and I started talking. We were trying to figure out how in the world we were to get along and not want to tear each other's faces off. We eventually agreed to do it for Jodie's sake. We were willing to try and get along just for him." Jules speaks. 

"After several weeks, talking became easier for us. We could stay civil, but we weren't exactly friends. I knew that I was starting to fall for both boys, but Jules's wall never cracked for me... Until that one day..." I begin to trail off, not knowing exactly what happened next. It was all a blur to me. 

"Jagger came to school but he wasn't really there. His mind was somewhere else. He was really good at hiding his true emotions, so seeing him look so... lost.. showed me that it must have been bad if he couldn't hide it like he would any other weakness. Jodie was with a teacher discussing something, so I pulled Jagger into an empty classroom. I asked him what was on his mind and he tried to say it was nothing. I knew better so I kept pushing. Eventually, he cracked. Tears were falling down his face and he launched himself at me, needing a hug. At that point, I fully realized how much I liked the boy. I realized I was willing to protect him, as I was willing to protect Jodie." Jules takes over. 

"Two weeks later, Jules asked us both to be his, asked for us to all belong to each other. We both agreed, and from there we grew tighter and tighter. Now, here we are. We've got each other and another person who means just as much to us as we do to one another." I finish the story. 

I look around the room happily, taking in the faces of those who have been here, those who know all my secrets, and those who had stuck around. I've never been happier than I am when I'm with these boys. 

They are what I want. 

What I need. 

~A/N- Hello, yes I noticed I use the same line at the end of the chapter as I've used for the ones that are in Kit's POV. This is me showing their semi-similar thought processes. Remember that ending line. It's very important to the story. Keep in mind what the meaning of it is as the story progresses. That simple line will be enough for you to see how each character is developing. 

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