Alan's plan

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Alan pov

I know not a lot of people know I'm smart but act dumb, but one thing I know is that Phil and Stu have a thing going on.

Today I plan on drugging them, I convinced Tracy to help me, it's not the wrong drug this time, I double checked with Leslie Chow.

"Hey man", Phil said rubbing my head as Stu just sat my Doug, Doug drew a red dot on they're cup so we don't mix up the drinks for them.

I couldn't help but to smirk as Stu picked up the cup and drunk it, He looked at me concerned.

Two hours later

We played truth of dare as I couldn't help but to ask they're crushes name and stuff.

"Dare!", Yelled Phil as I couldn't help but to laugh, "I dare you to make out with four eyes", I giggled as everything when according to plan.

"NoOOOoOO", Stu yelled running out in the yard as Phil chased him.

Tackling down Stu as he yelled before we knew it, Phil smashed his lips to Stu making out as Stu pulled him closer.

After a while the pulled away as I clapped, Stu got up and punched me in the face as I feel down feeling the pain.

So worth it, I took a picture when they did that, so going to send it to Leslie Chow.

I looked over seeing Doug just shaking his head. By the end of the night Phil and Stu where giving each other with lustful eyes.

Everybody say they're byes as I waved in the window smirking, I called Leslie Chow to tell him the best plan every and making the evidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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