Chapter Thirteen - Ladybug's Wrath

Start from the beginning

On one hand I need Chat to come and save me, but on another I know it puts him in danger. I can't even explain how I know it's not the real Ladybug.

"Here's how this is going to go, sweetheart. You're going to tell me who Chat Noir is, or I'm going to use you to lure him out. And trust me, you won't like that." She crouches in front of me, staring me down.

"I-I swear, I know nothing! Please, please don't do this!" I cry out, not able to stop the tears from falling.

She yanks me to the side, holding me right on the ledge. I hold my breath, fear paralyzing me on the spot. I can't even think of what to do.

This is the most horrifying situation I've ever been in.

Adrien. I'll die, and I'll never get to tell Adrien I love him. And Chat Noir, I'll never get the chance to figure out these feelings I'm having.

Chat could get hurt if he shows up. She's clearly willing to do anything to get this information, would she actually hurt Chat Noir?

Hawkmoth has never been so aggressive before.

She quickly unties me, freeing my limbs from the rope of her Yo-yo. I want to shove her away, but one wrong move and she could push me right off the platform.

"Try not to squirm too much. Wouldn't want to drop you." I scream as she shoves me forward, dangling my body from the platform. Scream after scream rips through me as I flail in the air.

Then I see it. Chat Noir racing through the night. He's going to head straight into battle against the fake Ladybug without having the real Ladybug here to help him.

He reaches for me as he comes near but the Senti-monster pulls me up and away from him. He lands harshly on the platform, rolling with the motion before quickly regaining his footing and charging forward. He smacks Ladybug back with his baton, knocking the wind out of her as she stumbles away from me.

Before he can reach me, she leaps between us. They glare at each other, tensions thick.

"Give me her. Now." Chat snarls, everything about him so much more aggressive than I've ever seen. He's intimidating and so hot.

"Kitty, I can't believe you would move on from me so fast. With her, of all people. What's so special about such a weakling?" She shouts, replicating human emotion so well.

"Shut the fuck up, Hawkmoth." He spits, eyes leaving the Senti-monster to examine me. I see the fear now, the panic in his expression.

He knows. He actually knows that this isn't the real Ladybug.

I should never have doubted Chat Noir.

"Ouch, Kitty. I am your Ladybug. Not an Akuma." She frowns, lunging forward to fight him. He dodges her attack, using his baton to smack her legs out from under her. She stumbles forward, quickly regaining her balance. Chat rushes to me, scooping me up.

"Go!" I yell, clinging to him as he moves to jump off the tower. Ladybug latches onto my ankle pulling me back. This causes Chat to stumble.

The Senti-monster separates us quickly, holding me close to the ledge.

"Tell me who you are, and give me your miraculous. Or your girlfriend dies." She spits out, holding me still. Chat's face is panicked, eyes flickering between the two of us as he desperately searches for a solution.

"You're misinformed, okay? We aren't dating. She doesn't know anything, and has nothing to do with any of this. Leave her be and fight me instead." He pleads, voice slow and calm. A lot more clam than what I could muster right now.

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