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This will be a Historical AU. Some of the characters will be protagonists and antagonists. I'll list them up before starting the story. -Author.


Protagonist: Dayang, Zain, Ganz, General Rama, Mentors, all young agents, including international.

Antagonists: Ali, Ghazali, Aliya, Djin, and Rizwan.

*no numeros in this one shot or even cinco


Ali is a lieutenant of an army, and Ghazali is his commander to all the Army. The Greek Army. While Aliya is Ghazali's wife and mom to Ali.

Djin and Rizwan work under the Greeks Army as General. While Rizwan is one of the cadets.

Dad... please. I beg you. Ali pleads.

No. Your friends out there betray their country! The only punishment is to shoot till death. That's an order! Ghazali sterns.

But - Ali words cut by him slamming the table.

Lieutenant! I command you to do the job I assigned you. Ghazali snaps as Ali just nods and gives him a salute and walks out of the room with his hat in between his wrist and his body.

After Ali left for a few minutes later, Aliya came into the room.

How could you do that to him? Those are your son's friends! Aliya scolds.

I know. But their mistake can not be forgiven. Even from the judges in the court. We can't take their mistake as a small matter. That's their consequences for their action. Let others watch and make it as a lesson for those who betray. Ghazali sterns.

Aliya shooks her head in defeats.

Fine. I'm not involved. You're getting to be blamed if something happens to my son. Aliya points to him at the table and storms off.

Ghazali grunts and continues his job on the table.


Ali poured in red wine for the third glass and drank it in one shot.

Sobbing, frustrated, and disappointed. Everything.

Remembering friends of his in the jail, getting their punishment to death on the next day, which led him frustrated and mad.

Then he pushes everything off on the floor in rage. Then cries silently while covering his face with his hand.


Soldiers. In position! Ali commanded as the soldiers marched with rifle in their hand and line up.

On your left, turn! Ali command again as they turn in unison.

Today, I would like to announce there's few soldiers who betrayed their country for the country we are invading now. As a consequence, they're punished to be shot till death. Ghazali announces.

Make this a lesson before you betray your country. Djin said.

Ali... Rizwan muttered after seeing him in tearful.

Any last words? Ali asked while his voice started to hoarse and not look at the soldiers covered with blindfold.

What we are doing is wrong! They have the right to protect their country! Viktor said.

Fire! Ali said, tears swelling in his eyes as the soldiers released a few shots to the 4 soldiers. Then, 4 of them fall on the ground, lifeless.

Bury them! General Djin said as the soldiers pulled back their rifle to the back and went towards the corpse and pulled them away.

Ejen Ali One Shot 2Where stories live. Discover now