Drink PT2

441 18 5

While Ali plays the guitar, he changes the tune to his mother's lullaby while humming to it.

Then he stopped as they were sleeping soundly with a bottle in their mouth.

While holding the guitar in his lap, he starts to feel sleepy and nods his head a few times.

Then he falls with his guitar to the left since he's too sleepy.


Ali. Wake up.

Then he slowly opened his eyes and saw Rizwan kneeling next to him.

You fell asleep. Rizwan said.

Oh.. did I? Sorry. Ali said as he woke up and sat.

Hm. Djin wants to meet you. Rizwan said.

Them? Ali asked.

Sam will look after them. Get up. Rizwan said as he stood up.

Then Ali stands as he picks up his guitar.


Sorry, I'm late. Ali entered the room.

What do you want to talk about? Ali asked.

Why didn't you involve in the mission just now? Zain asked.

Because nobody mentions the mission is important? So I stayed in there with them. He defends.

The percentage of failure was higher than usual. They nearly fail. Ganz said.

Okay. Is Alicia with them? Ali asked.

She was. Unfortunately, the mission went differently than they planned. Dayang said.

Okay. What's your point? He asked.

Why are you not there? We send you messages. Even a notification. Djin said.

I did not... received it? Ali said as he looked at his wrist and saw his watch was not there.

Shit. He said.


MOON!! CHRIS! STOP!!! Rizka tries to stop them from shooting lasers.

While the others laugh at both of them.

Even Moon and Chris having a blast playing with Ali's watch, too many features to try out.

While the older agents are in misery now. Trying to move the other agent " babies" away from getting hit by the lasers.

Then Rizka snatches it from both of them.

Enough! You're causing too much trouble! Even bring harm to others! Rizka snaps.

Then both of them looked at her stunned, and then they started to make the face and cry.

Rizka! Sam calls sternly.

Then he approaches her as he carries Moon and Chris with both of his hands.

They're still babies, Rizka! You can't just snap at them like you used to. Especially now! Use your fucking brain. Sam snaps at her while she remains silent while looks at how mad Sam was.

Then he walks away with the two calmed-down babies after listening to Sam scolding Rizka.

Back to Ali with 4 of them.

Haih. You didn't even realize it? Zain asked.

I guess? I was too sleepy and went to sleep together with them. Ali lets out a nervous laugh while scratching the back of his neck.

It's okay. At least we caught our objective and we reach our mission objectives even though they nearly failed. Ganz said.

Okay. Can I ask a question? He asked.

Ejen Ali One Shot 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang