Chapter 5- What are you

Start from the beginning

i threw my unbroken hand up quickly and got the teachers attention while jaspers eyes looked towards my other hand concern and guilt radiating off him while he cradled my other hand "My deepest apologies sir but i feel really sick and like i'm going to pass out am i able to go to the nurses office please. i think it's best if jasper comes along too as i'm not sure of the way there" I said making my voice sound soft almost sickly.

The teacher looked a tad concerned and nodded his head. I stood up looked to Alice asking her to collect my books knowing her and Enzo were completely fine and had it under control before i grabbed jaspers wrist with my good arm hiding my other hand and dragged him out of the classroom and towards the school entrance.

"Alex wait we need to get this checked out please. Alex your hand i.. Alex your not listening you don't understand." i was out of it while i tried to find somewhere to go where no one would be. I focused back in and dragged him into the toilets near the entrance. I looked around in the bathroom making sure it was clear and teleported is into the forest.

i let go of his hand and backed away "Jasper you almost lost control. Do you know what would of happened if you did that. You could of hurt someone. For god sake Jasper you could of got your entire family exposed. I can't believe this. This is so bad." i stopped rambling before looking down at my hand it's not healing as fast as it should have and that concerned me but not as much as this situation that's happening. i looked up towards jasper who just looked scared and worried but i felt a whole load of guilt radiating off him while he looked towards my hand. I moved it behind me causing him to look up at me. 

"What are you. He said you were human. your not human. Alex what are you?" Jasper looked so confused and vulnerable and it broke my heart.

" let's sit down and we can talk about everything and Jasper stop being so concerned about my hand it will heal before lunch so you're fine." We sat down and i took a breath before looking towards him. Why was i so nervous now. I mean i never was before not even when i knew he was my imprint.

I didn't know how to start the conversation so i sat there in silence both of us did until i heard his voice softly speak my name. "Alex, what are you?" i looked towards him and his eyes were full of questions and i just looked down towards the ground. i began to speak slowly.

"I don't want to scare you away. not yet. not after i've just found you..." I started. i wanted to stay away from him. to keep him safe but i couldn't. i couldn't no matter how hard i would have tried. i looked deeper into the ground tears coming to my eyes but i was trying my hardest to keep them from escaping.

I felt him grab my chin lightly and pull my head to face him. His eyes held so much understanding and yet i haven't even told him what i am "You could never scare me away darlin' nothing you do could ever make me leave you. not ever" he spoke looking into my eyes wiping a single tear that escaped.

This action caused me to cry more and he reached forward pulling me towards him encasing me in a hug so i burred my head into his neck and cried. he held me right like that for another few minutes before i calmed down and he slowly pulled away.

"Are you okay Alex?" he asked stroking my cheek with his cold hands. i nodded and breathed getting ready to begin my story.

"i-i don't know how to say it lightly so i'm just going to say it how it is. I'm the original Tribrid. 1/3 vampire, 1/3 shapeshifter and 1/3 witch. My father is the original hybrid 1/2 vampire 1/2 werewolf His name is Niklaus Mikaelson and my mother is a vampire Caroline Forbes. i um got my shapeshifter side when i was 13. i was visiting Charlie with my dad over the summer and he was under attack so my witch side took over and i killed him. i mean i took a life. who does that. And my grandmother if you could even call her that turned me into a vampire too not too long ago but due to my witch side and shapeshifter side i stop aging at the age of 18. but even so i've killed people jazz. real people. who probably have families. i'm a monster. i understand if you just want to run away and leave. it's probably better that you do." i finish off but i couldn't look at him.

At some point during my storytelling he interlocked our hands and my other hand that was now fully healed began subconsciously playing with his fingers. I didn't bother to look up for his reaction if he wanted to leave i would of felt it but if he was scared he might not of been able to leave.

His other hand grabbed my face again and softly pulled it towards him so he was looking directly into my eyes. however my eyes had different plans and stayed glued on our hands. "Darlin please look at me" he sounded to vulnerable which made me tear up but i still couldn't gather up the courage to look at him "sweetheart you were a child protecting her family. you're definitely not a monster. do you hear me because you are so strong and you've been through so much in such a short lifespan. so please don't talk about yourself that way it's painful to feel and hear how you talk about yourself. You're beautiful, kind, caring, strong and so much more. there's so much i want to learn about you so please let me."

I look towards his eyes meeting then for the first time since i started my story. the tears that were in my eyes before had doubled and i tried my hardest to not let them slip. but just like before i failed and he wiped the tear off my cheek again. "It's okay love, you don't have to try and hide your emotions. not around me. not when i can feel them slowly tearing you apart. so cry just cry." that's when i burst into tears and shoved my face into his neck again. my hands and arms encased around his neck and he just let me hold him like that. he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him holding me tight as if i were going to break.

I was sure glad it was a free period after this as i don't think i could go into class after my massive break down. we stayed like that for a while jasper running on and through my hair and the other drawing circles around my waist. And every so often i felt small kisses on my head. After some time the tears stopped but i didn't want to move and it seemed that jasper didn't want to move either so we just stayed like that for a while. he made me feel safe and loved. Jasper was my safe space my imprint and my mate. but i couldn't tell him not quite yet.

just before lunch we headed back and i ushered him off to his siblings promising to see him after lunch as we have the same class together. And i went off to find my sister. Time to see the kind of friends Bella has made on her first day i guess.

Yesss exactly what i wanted a much slower and less action then the last one. i felt like i jumped into it too soon considering i was five chapters in and they already kissed i was like nahhhhh. how about a while restart.

Life and Death(republished) Jasper Hale love story. Where stories live. Discover now