Mismatched In A Right Way

Start from the beginning

pretty good. He thought. His eyes roamed around the place to know whom he have to meet and then he remember that he never had any picture of his date. How can he be so irresponsible? He facepalmed and was about to call his dad when his brown almond eyes met dark black duo eyes. He can't take his eyes off it. The owner of those eyes broke the contact and started to type something on his phone with a frown on his lips. It was just a mere glance he had with those eyes but he was sure that would never forget that moment. Those eyes.


Taehyung forcefully dragged himself out of his dazed state and again took a look around the cafe. One old couple, a teenage girl who's crying over her phone, and an old man who is enjoying his tea. And then the male who has those eyes.

It must be him.

Taehyung slowly approached the male who was in a simple black shirt and black pants. His silver hair covers almost his eyes when he looks down. His overcoat hanging on the chair he was sitting on.

"Excuse me", Taehyung called

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"Excuse me", Taehyung called. The said male looked at him with confused eyes and tilted his head.


Wait what's his name? Oh, shoot he forgot.

Jeon Jungsuk?






Shit no. None of the above.

Let's ask him.

"Are you-are you Mr. Jeon Jung-Jungk....", Taehyung dragged his words not knowing the right name of the male.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, yep it's me", the silver-haired man said with a polite smile.

"Oh", Taehyung let out a heavy sigh and took the seat before Jungkook.

"I'm Kim Taehyung", he said.

"Oh, good", Jungkook said unsurely. He doesn't know who the man is and why is he talking to him. But he should have to agree that the male in front of him was nothing but breathtaking. His pretty brown eyes, a small nose that has a cute mole on it, and cherry lips that are perfectly made to kiss. Black hair that smoothly caresses his forehead. He looks ethereal and that's for sure.

"Umm can I have a puff", Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook's finger.

Taehyung doesn't notice the cigarette in the elder's hand but right after when his gaze falls on it he can't stop the urge to get a puff.

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