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"Give her to me, and I'll let the rest of you live." He said and I began to fix the transport. I flashed us over there and the Doctor gasped, "What are you doing?" The Doctor demanded, hugging me. "I heard the whole thing." I said and pushed away. "No, no, no, no, no way." He said and tried to grab me. "I wanted to come with," "Listen to me. If you go with him, I can't guarantee your safety." He said touching my cheek. "Yeah, but I believe in you. Even if you don't, I'll give him hell." I said. "Let me go in her place!" Neffy said, "No, Neffy, Neffy." The Doctor said as I shook my head. "No! Take her and I shoot you." Riddell has a definite crush on Neffy. I shook my head and made him put his weapon down. "Neffy, you take care of this one." I said and jerked my thumb at Riddell. I kissed the Doctor one last time before I walked over to the old grey man. "My bounty increases. And what an extraordinary bounty you are." He said and touched my cheek. I pushed him away. "Don't touch me." I said and he shoved his cane to my throat pushing me back. The Doctor watched him with angry tear filed eyes. "I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them. And I will break you in with immense pleasure. Thank you, Doctor. Computer, take us back to my ship." And with that we were gone. After awhile we tried to leave. "Come on, come on, we're not moving. He's magnetised us. We can't move away." I smiled, "that's my boyfriend for you." I said and he glared at me. I sat down on a table like thing. "Did I ever tell you that you'll lose? Shooting a dinosaur that didn't do anything was bad. But his tipping point is when you hurt someone that he loves. Now he's out to get you!" I sang and he shot me! Like proper shot in the arm! I kept quite till the Doctor came in with singing robots. "Hello! Having trouble leaving?" The Doctor said and looked over to me. "Ship's still magnetised. Just couldn't bear to lose you." He said and Solomon held a gun to my throat. "Release my ship, Doctor, or I kill this precious little object." I hit the crutch away from him. And held it to his throat. "I told you he'd be back." I said and the Doctor smiled at me. "Don't mess with my girlfriend, Solomon. I hope you've learnt that now." He said and I kept my weight on the crutch. "What are you doing?" He sounded a bit chocked, I wonder why? He placed a little bobble that the missiles were tracking in his ship. "Maxine, let's go. How remiss of me. Almost forgot. The thing about missiles, very literal. This is what they latch on to." "Now, one press of this and the ship's demagnetised." We began to leave. "Doctor, whatever you want, I can get it for you. Whatever object you desire." He begged for his life. "Did the Silurians beg you to stop? Look, Solomon. The missiles. See them shine? See how valuable they are. And they're all yours." He said and helped me out and pressed the door button. "Enjoy your bounty." He said and we left.

The Doctor held onto me tightly, "i thought I lost you." He whispered and I kissed him. "I never doubted you for a second." I said and winced as he turned his back. I could feel myself begin to regenerate. "So, dinosaur drop off time." He said and began to open the Tardis. "Actually, we think home for us." Rory said and the Doctor stopped, I smiled weakly and bit my lip. "Oh. Fine. Of course." The Doctor said and I walked into the Tardis. I began to fade out. "Everyone! Down!" I yelled and they dropped to the floor, away from me. "Max?! What's happening?!" Amy asked and I shook my head, "I was shot, I'm regenerating. Cheating death. One moment!" I yelled and began to scream. I felt my hair grow, I began to get a bit taller, by only a few inches. I shook my head and came out. "What do I look like?" I asked and looked at me. The Doctor looked sad, "You got shot?!" He yelled, "yeah, never mind that. Oh my god, the teeth! Nose, arms, legs, feet, head, hair!" I pouted, "Damn, I'm not ginger anymore! I loved being ginger!" I said and the Doctor held me. "You were shot?!" He cried, "Yeah, me and my big mouth got--" I stopped, "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey. Fantastic, Geronimo, Allons-y!" I giggled, "what color are my eyes?" I asked and the Doctor smiled, "grey." I giggled again. "Don't mind me! Alright home for the Ponds, Riddell, Neffy, to the African plain, Brian, tell us where too, I'll probably go home and find out what I’ll eat!" I said and began to go into space. "About that. Can I ask a favour? There's something I want to see." Brian said and I stopped the Tardis. I opened the door and showed them the earth, we were in a gorgeous area with dark blue, purples, and stars, everywhere! Brian sat in the open doorway with a mug of tea and a sandwich. I smiled and after awhile it was time to drop everyone home. I kissed the Doctor, Amy, and Rory, all on the mouth and went out. "Nice seeing you, till next time sweeties!" I called and went to my kitchen. I began to make anything in my cupboard. "Ew!" I said as I took a bite of an orange. I tried ramen, pancakes, chips, ice cream, berries, beer, cool-aid. Anything there I tried. Till I ate burnt cupcakes with whip cream and berries. "Oh yes baby!" I said and heard the Tardis. I looked and saw the tenth. I turned and he glared at me. "Who are you, why are you in Max's flat?!" He asked and I kissed him. "Don't take that tone of voice with me. I just went through Hell trying to get a good dress size for you, I seem to be the same size, I'm a bit taller now." I said and his eyes widened. "What happened? I forgot what you looked like in this regeneration." He asked, he sounded mad, angry, pissed, take your pick. "I was shot, you can't know who or how, spoilers. I'm still mad at you for that!" I was talking about his future (but truly present) self. "Did I do it?!" He cried, he had a bit of tears. "What? No, no, no, no. You done kissed someone else!" Said and he sighed, "thank God, I thought I was the reason you regenerated." I shook my head and kissed him again. "No, now, let me get dressed," I said and he smiled, "I'll help if you want." He said, "Ooo, cheeky." I said and he smiled but I heard Rose come out of the Tardis. "Rose!" I said and hugged her. "I haven't seen you since the living plastic!" I said and she looked taken aback. "Sorry, who are you?" I smiled, "sorry, new regeneration," I said and pulled back and she got a look at my face, "Max! Sorry, I didn't recognize you! He said that you'd still be ginger!" I watched her. I was sorry about what was soon to happen... she'd leave to another dimension. I looked over to the Doctor and back to Rose. "Yeah, I still wish I was! I got to gloat over him! He's always wanted to be ginger, never got the chance though." I said happily. "Sorry, I look a mess, just had to save dinosaurs in space! With Neffy, John Riddell, the Ponds! And Rory's father! Never forget old Brian! Oh and the bow tie wearing idiot. What the hell would you look like with a bow tie I wonder. Probably very sexy!" I said, running to my room.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang