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So, I have no internet down here as you may or may not know (I complain enough as it is.) But I wanted to write so badly... well... I began to watch Doctor Who episode by episode writing down what they say and do, and adding in Maxine. I hope you like it.


We began to heard someone call out for a Wilson. Very feminine voice too. That was followed by a clatter and the lights came on. "Girl's going to get herself killed." I mumbled as we ran to save her. The plastic was ganging up on her! I grabbed her hand, "run!" The Doctor said and took her other hand. We ran down a large corridor with the plastic not too far behind us. The Doctor punched the elevator buttons and it slowly opened, not realizing the urgency. We rushed in and I was nearly grabbed. The Doctor wrestled with the arm till it popped off. "Thanks Sweetheart." I said and he smiled. "You pulled his arm off!" The girl said in shock. "Yup, plastic." He said and lightly tapped my head before throwing it at the blonde haired girl. "Very clever, nice trick. Who were they then, students, was this a student thing?" She asked, "why would they be students?" The Doctor asked, "I don't know," she said, she was a bit feisty. "You said it. Why students?" I asked. She shrugged a bit before answering. "Cuz that many people dressing up and being silly. They gotta be students." She said and the Doctor turned around and smiled, "That makes sense. Well done." He said and turned back around. "Thanks." "They're not students." I said, "Wilson will call the police." She threatened, "whose Wilson?" The Doctor asked turning back around. "Chief Electrician." She said. "Wilson's dead." We said only halfway turned around and the door opened. "That's just not funny. That's sick!" She said following us out of the elevator. "Mind your eyes." I said and covered her eyes from the sparks on the elevator panel blowing up. "I've had enough of this now. Who are you both, then? Who's that lot down there?" She asked pushing my hand away. We ran off, "I said who are they?" She demanded, still following us. "Their made of living plastic. They are being controlled by a relay device on the roof." I said, "which would be a great problem if we didn't have this." He said holding out his bomb. "So, we're going to blow it up, and we might die in the process, but don't worry a out us--" he said opening a door and stopping her from following. "Go home and have your lovely beans on toast." I smiled, "and don't tell anyone about this, if you do, you might as well as killed them." I said and he closed the door before opening it again. "I'm the Doctor this is Max, you are?" He asked and I waved, "Rose." I blinked and smiled. "Nice to meet you Rose. Run for your life!" I said and the Doctor closed the door again.

Last night we exploded the relay device on the roof along with the shop. "You were fantastic you were." I said and we walked into the Tardis. We traveled into the morning and followed a faint trace of the remaining living plastic. "You gave that Rose the arm, that's probably it." I said and we got to an apartment complex. He made the cat door rattle and something started to poke back. I lifted it up and saw Rose. She jumped up and opened the door. "What are you doing here?" The Doctor asked, wow, he's a bit stupid in this regeneration. "I live here." She said as a matter of factly thing. "What for?" The Doctor asked, "not everyone has a Sexy Tardis to travel in. They have to take the slow path." I said and she watched us. "Cause I do. I'm only here because someone blew up my job." She said, I still like her. "Must have gotten the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you?" He asked and hit her head, "No, that's a skull. Bonehead. Bye then!" I said cheerfully. And she grabbed me and threw me inside. "Both of you, inside. Right now." She said and pulled the Doctor in as well. "Who is it?" I heard an older voice. "It's about last night, give us ten minutes." Rose said and the Doctor and I passed. "She deserves compensation." The older woman said, "oh, we're talking millions." The Doctor said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm in my dressing gown." She said standing up. I leaned against the door frame. "Yes, you are." We said and she looked like she'd untie the small knot keeping it shut. "There's a strange man in my bedroom." She said, "well actually, I'm more in you room than he is." I said and her eyes drifted to me but then back to my Doctor. "Well, anything could happen." She and I shook my head, "No." He said and I slapped his shoulder, "come on love." I whispered and we walked into the living room. "Don't mind the mess," Rose said and went walking into the kitchen. "Do you want coffee?" She asked, "might as well, thanks. Just milk." We said, it was sort of spooky how we did that. "We should go to the police. Seriously!" Rose said. He looked at a magazine. "That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien." I smiled. Rose began to ramble on, I didn't really hear her. He flipped through a book, "hmm. Sad ending." He said and I looked at the mail. "Rose Tyler." I said and showed him the name. "Ah, could have been worse. Look at the ears!" He said looking in a mirror. "And don't worry about not having hair, soon you have more than enough." I said and leaned against the wall by the mirror. "Luck be a lady." He sung as he picked up cards and flung them everywhere. "Maybe not!" I giggled and heard a scuffling sound. "What's that then?" He asked as I searched for it's origins. "Have you got a cat?" I asked and jumped on the sofa to look behind it. "No!" Rose yelled back. First clear word I've heard from her. I looked back and the arm flew to my neck. I ripped it off and felt the trickle of blood going down my neck and now the Doctor was being chocked. "I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same, Give a man a hand!" She said and I tried to get it off of him. "Anyway, I don't even know your name. Doctor what was it?" She asked and I got my hand between the Doctor's neck and the hand and threw it off but it went straight for Rose's head. She yelled in surprise and they knocked me into the glass table.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now