Chapter 27

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•chapter 27•
~Jealousy part 1~

3rd person view p.o.v

the kids are all in the living room looking at their fathers that wanted to make an announcement, they are all waiting

"Kids! as we know that Mrs.Samara is going to live with us, we kinda talked about her and we then realized that Mrs.Samara is eight-year-old...Same like you all children"

All of the kids look at each other and then back at Hannibal

"So please, be nice to her she doesn't had.....good childhood like you all, Samara come here dear"

Samara walked out in a nervous stand, Harmony smiled at her
"Hi, samara! Welcome to the Family, We should do makeup for you! isn't that right Bella?"

Bella smirked and nodded at Harmony, then at Samara

"Yeah, we could start now! You dont mind right Samara?"
Samara nodded her head and Bella grinned, she took Samara's hand and dragged her to the dressing room, Harmony chuckle at her and follow her, before that she took Bobby but get stopped by Myra

"I'll take care of him, you should go"
Harmony smiled and nodded at Myra before taking off

and all of them cleared and do their things, but not Fredda who just glared at Freddy, making him curious


"I have a bad feeling about her"
Freddy rolled his eye at her

"For god sake, there's nothing wrong, she's just like us okay? now shush i need a refreshing kill, Byee~"
Fredda roll her eye at her father and went to her room

(If you forget what they age here:
 Myra= 12 | Pete= 11 | Harmony= 11 | Blake and Steven= 10 | Fredda= 9 | Bella= 9 | Jayden= 8 | Neva= 7 | Bobby= 6
Well thats all ->- )

An hour has passed and Samara, Bella, and Harmony go down stair to meet Hannibal, Jason, and Brahms talking

"Dad! Look at Samara!"
Bella said shouted making Brahms quickly turn to see Samara's face, now her face isn't covered by her hair, she had Brown eyes and a bit of brown strip in her hair, Hannibal smiled at them

"Well dont you look nice, anyway Harmony Y/n will be back soon, he said-"

"I need to prepare lunch I know that Father!"
Harmony said with a giggle making Hannibal smile more, Bella asked for a piggyback and Brahms carry her to his shoulder, Samara watched it with her eye and Jason notice it

Jason makes a sign to her but she couldn't understand, Jason then pat his back making Samara make a small smile and Jason carry her to his shoulder like Brahms, Jayden then come running down the stair with a paper carried

"Dada! look at my drawing!"
Jason didnt bother to answer just a quick nod before putting samara down on the couch, Jayden's smile turns to a thin line but get back again

"Dada! i wanna piggyback too!"

Jason make a sign

"Jayden, maybe later okay? Im sorry but im tired right now after piggybacking Samara"

"Oh, Okay...."
Jason ruffle his hair and Jayden look at his drawing, ist him, papa, and Jason holding hands, he then sighed before crumbling it into a ball and shoving it into his hoodie pocket before running back to his room with the other

(Okay Roomie time: So basically all of the children are in the same room, just their bed not the bathroom too, so In 1 room there are 8 beds, So how? here, 2 bunk beds on the left side, so there is 2 bed in each of the bunk and there 2 bunk bed on the right side, there are two giant wardrobes in the side of the two bunk bed. the middle is where they learn or hang out and the other is their things, THERE WILL BE SOME CHANGE WHEN THEY GROWN UP LIKE MYRA, AND PETE THEY HAD THEIR ROOM )

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