Chapter 14

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•chapter 14•
~A time with Pennywise~

3rd person view p.o.v

"Y/n...W-wake up"

Y/n Eyes slowly wakes up to meet Norman Figure


"Ye-yeah is 4 in the morning, b-but We need to talk to you i-in private"


"The O-others"

Y/n Looks at the Clock and Looks beside him to see Bobby

"Okay...I'll be down in 5 Minutes"


5 minutes later

"Alright im here, what's Bringing you guys Make me go down here?"

"Ah...Sorry for that Y/n"

"Yeah is okay Han, So?"

"So we were about time we Kill, and We were thinking again, Your Children are Very Talented...Even in Fighting and Knife, So-"

"So you're thinking to use MY kid? For a Killing?"


"Hannibal, I want my children to have a normal life...I don't want-"

"Y/n, we know that"
Freddy said, Glancing at him

"Your Child is, Is just good"
Billy Comment to

"Yeah Y/n"

"And- And Neva is quite Smart"

"So does Harmony"

"Y/n, We just found out that Your kid has the Same Personality"
Brahms said, Looking through his Mask

"Same personality...who?"

Michael Spoke

This made Y/n Shock


"Look at them Y/n, They're the same as us, don't you realize that Sweetheart?"
Billy said, Getting closer to him

"They're Looks just the same as us.."

Freddy said looking away

Jason Wrote Something in his Notebook and show it To Y/n

"Y/n, We need them as we need you, I think im gonna say this...They're OUR Child"

Y/n Gaps at the Word


"I-...I need time, excuse me"
Then Y/n went from their Sight

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