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Location: Back On The Nemesis

Throne Room:

Megatron was sitting on his throne in the throne room pissed at what just happened. They were just having a nice family outing until the worst and the unexpected happened. He could have lost his little girl, including his son's sister. He was lucky that he found her in time by using his sense of smell. He knew he promised his daughter by not using it. But he had to break that promise. Because he and his son didn't know where she was and they couldn't find her. He was thinking when he felt a servo on his shoulders. He looked up and he saw his son.

"Son. How's your sister?" He asked his son. "Knockout said she's going to make it and pull through. He said that you were lucky to find her on time because she was in stasis for about 15 minutes or more. He said if it was more than she wouldn't have survived and she wouldn't be here." He said to his father. Megatron nodded. He was glad and he was lucky that he found you. And he is more happy that you are going to pull through. "Son. You are in charge for a couple of minutes. I want to go and see and check on your sister for myself." He said to his son. Soundwave nodded. Megatron got up off his throne and he walked heading straight for the med bay.

Med Bay:

Knockout walked over and checked your vitals. "Hmm. Everything seems to be good." He said to himself. He then went to his computers and he checked more. He looked and saw that her energon levels were rising. Which was a good sign. He scanned more until the sound of the doors opening to the med bay caught his attention. He looked and saw his master walking in. Megatron walked over to the med berth that you were lying on and he saw that you haven't awakened yet.

"Knockout report." Megatron said. "Well, my Liege. Her vitals are good. And her energon levels are rising and they are a lot better before you and Soundwave brought the princess in." Knockout replied. Megatron nodded. Megatron looked down and saw that you were coming around. "Knockout." Megatron said. Knockout turned and he looked down and he saw that you were waking up. He walked over to check you over.

You slowly opened your optics. Your vision was blurry. You realigned your optics and soon your vision was cleared. You looked and you saw knockout. You quickly jerked backwards. "Ouch! Knockout!" I yelled. I then rubbed the back of my helm. "Sorry princess. That wasn't my intention to scare you like that." He replied. "Yeah sure." I said. "Ugh. What happened?" I said. I then looked up and I saw my sire. "Sire. What happened? Why am I in the med bay?" I asked my sire. Megatron looked at you but he looked at Knockout. But he looked back at you.

"My little princess. Uh. You were in a stasis lock when me and your brother found you. And I am sorry I broke the promise by not using my sense of smell. But I had to break it because you didn't respond to me or your brother and you didn't come out of your hiding place." Your sire says to you. I looked at my sire. "Oh. I don't remember being low on energon. Or was I." I said. Megatron immediately looked at you. "What. You mean and you are telling me that you haven't had any ENERGON!!!" My sire said and yelled the last part. I immediately flinched. "S…sorry, sire. I completely forgot." I said to my sire.

Megatron immediately slammed his fists down on the other med berth. Leaving a huge dent on the med berth. Knockout immediately growled and yelled at his master for what he did. "MY LIEGE!!! WE NEEDED THAT MED BERTH!!!" Knockout yelled. "Oh pipe down your voice box medic." Megatron snarled and said hastily to Knockout. Megatron then turns his direction to you. "Now. See here StellaFire. You are going to be under watch for the time being." My sire said. "WHAT!!!" I yelled. Megatron growled. "Don't you yell at me like that young lady. I'm your sire. And you will do as I say." Your sire says to you.

I grumbled. "Fine. So who's this person that is watching me then. I hope it's not Starscream." I asked my sire. My sire gave an evil chuckle. And that scared me. "Oh no. It's much worse than that, my dear sweet child." My sire said. My eyes immediately widened. I immediately gulped. "A…and who's that person?" I asked my sire. My sire walked over and the doors slid open to the med bay. I looked and it was my worst nightmare. The worst thing that my sire has ever picked. Even Knockout thought that this was a bad idea. Because he despises her. "My Lord. I will make sure that she will drink the energon and do things so you won't lose her." She said to her master. Megatron nodded. He was walking away until you said something. "I hate you sire. And why her of all mechs and femmes. Why Airachnid. Why couldn't my brother watch me?" I said to my sire.

Megatron stopped dead in his tracks. "Because my child. Airachnid is the only choice that I have. But your brother can't do it because he's busy. Airachnid, report to me if my daughter does anything that she isn't supposed to do." My sire said to Airachnid. "Of course my Lord." She said to her master. She bowed to him and Megatron left. I was thinking about everything until I realized that I was drifting off into a recharge. Soon I fell into a deep recharge. That's when you knew that your sire had made a huge mistake. By letting Airachnid watch you. But you also made a huge mistake because of the energon. You thought you were fine but apparently you weren't. This is going to be and going to get interesting.

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