"I know. I had my doubts too, but..." Jesus shrugged his shoulders. "Our luck was meant to return sooner or later, right?"

"I guess so."

You followed Jesus and Judith out the small shed, and you held your hand up, blocking the bright sun in the sky as you squinted. The brightness doing nothing but making your headache worse.

"Hey, dude. Thought you could probably use these." Jerry suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere and holding out a pair of sunglasses.

"You're amazing." You sighed, slipping the glasses on with instant relief.

"I know." Jerry smiled before he glanced over at Jesus, "you ready to go?"

Wait, go? Where were they going?

"Jerry, Gabriel, Elijah, Aaron and I are going to take the horse cart and go to Oceanside. Update them on everything that's been happening before we meet up with you guys back at Alexandria." Jesus quickly explained noticing your sudden confusion.

"Oh, that's probably a good idea. You guys leaving now?"

They both nodded, so you hugged them wishing them a safe trip before you followed Judith around the corner where Daryl and a few of the others were loading the cart.

Dog was the first to notice you, barking happily as he ran over and you smiled, leaning down to give him a scratch behind the ears before Daryl walked over. His blue eyes were filled with worry as he looked you up and down, but you just rolled your eyes at him.

"A little head knock won't keep me down, Dixon."

"That wasn't a little head knock 'n we both know it."

"Eh, details. Details. Doesn't matter. I'm awake, and how can I help?" You asked, looking around at the crates already loaded into the car.

"Here. Your weapons are here if ya want 'em." Daryl said, walking over to a makeshift table that had a duffle bag full of weapons on it.

He handed over your weapons belt which you clipped on, double checking everything was secure before you grabbed your sword and sheath, tossing it over your back.

"Here." Daryl said, holding out Rick's old Colt to Judith. "It's yours."

The girl took the weapon, looking down at it sadly. "I don't want it."

"Alright." Daryl nodded, a little surprise with that response as he took the gun back.

"My mum talked about the day she'd hang up her sword for good. Not that we'd be completely safe, but enough to feel like she didn't need it anymore. If I keep that, things go back to how they were. But they should be better."

Judith never ceased to amaze you at how mature and knowledgeable she was. You weren't exactly sure how old she was, but she was definitely smarter than a lot of adults.

"They will be once we get home." Daryl reassured.

"How? It's still broken. And what about everyone else here? Shouldn't we stay and help them? Isn't that what you and Mum and Dad did at Alexandria and Hilltop?" Judith questioned, a little attitude rising in her voice.

"That was different." Daryl answered, but she shook her head.

"It wasn't. The only difference now is that you'd rather run away than stay and fight."

"God damnit. Stop. Just stop." Daryl snapped, looking down at her as she frowned at him, a flash of anger washing over her before she turned her head and walked away.

You watched her march off, clearly unhappy before she wrapped her arm around Gracie's shoulders, holding the other girl and comforting her while she waved goodbye to her father in the horse carriage.

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