Mishima High Polytechnic

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Me and Asuka were walking towards their high school.

Well actually Asuka was bike riding while he was on his skateboard.

Then all of a sudden, I was greeted by a scream.

Coming from my sister.

I turned around and noticed Asuka was on the ground and her lunch was ruined.

She gasped. "My Lunch!"
I saw her get up, and madly go towards a white limousine.

"Hey Asuka, wait a minute." I said. Reaching my hand out, but then put it down.

Then once again pain struck me again.

This time, it was my tattoo. In my eyes it showed me flashes of my life passing.

Destroying Jinpachi Mishima, my great grandfather.

Defeating Hehachi Mishima, my grandfather.

My father, Kazuya Mishima. The one who passed the Devil Gene to me.

And my mother.

My eyes finally went back to the normal world. I noticed that Asuka was fighting Lili, as usual.

"Asuka stop!" I yelled. Asuka turned where I was, then Lili punched her dead in the mouth, making her fall to the ground.

"Now look what you did, Jin!" Asuka screamed at me.

I felt so mad with rage I changed into my devil form and shot lasers at random points. One of them, somehow, hit Lili smack in the face, causing her to fall backwards.

I was still shooting until I noticed that HALF of the school was outside looking at ME. It took me a second to realize that. I glanced around seeing that I set the Golden Hehachi Mishima statue in fire.

I looked at all the students that Xiaoyu, LING XIAOYU, was staring at me. She looked frightened, insecure, as if she didn't trust me at all.

"Jin-- J-- Jin." Xiaoyu said.

"Xiao" I murmured.

Then I turned hastily and ran not listening to the teachers.

Then a flash of a devilish form saw me and knocked me out cold.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered before going totally unconscious.

The Devil Within MeWhere stories live. Discover now