However, since the house she used to live in before she was adopted was way smaller than the annex building, it didn't incite any other emotion from her. She didn't care and kept walking towards the garden.

'Somebody is there.'

A blond body was squatting down at the flower bed, digging the ground and planting flowers.


Martha's eyes widened.

'Raon Zieghart?'

She'd thought he was a servant, but he wasn't. The one who was planting flowers was Raon Zieghart, who made her taste defeat for the first time.

Raon dusted off his hands and stood up. It looked like he noticed her as well.

"What's the matter?"


Martha didn't respond, standing in front of the flower bed that Raon was taking care of. The flowers looked fresh and healthy, probably because he'd just watered them.

'He has this kind of hobby?'

She'd thought he was too precocious, so she was surprised at finding a childish side to him.

'What should I do?'

The reason that Martha visited Raon was simple.

She wanted a rematch.

She kept thinking about her defeat after reading her father's advice, but she couldn't remember how she lost.

Since she couldn't remember, she had no idea how large the difference in abilities was between them, and whether there was any way of making up for it or not.

In short, she couldn't reflect.

Therefore, she needed a rematch.

She wanted to determine the difference between her and Raon by fighting him with a clear mind.


Martha sighed heavily and lifted her head. She carefully opened her mouth while looking into Raon's eyes, which were as calm as a lake.

"I want to try fighting you again."

"Not admitting defeat is a bit disturbing."

"No, I'm not refusing to admit to having lost so easily. I just can't tell how I lost, and I came looking for you in order to figure that out."


Raon's eyes shone for a second. He seemed to think it was unexpected.

"Then, what's the offer?"


"For a loser to challenge the victor once again, you'd have to give something away, wouldn't you?"

"Hell no! You don't need a prize in order to fight!"

"I do."


Martha groaned lightly.

'This is why.'

Because he never wanted to come out at a loss, she'd felt like Raon wasn't actually a child.

"You don't have one? It's troublesome if you don't."

Raon crossed his arms, showing that he had no intention of fighting.


'What shall I do?' Martha thought as she looked at Raon, biting her lip. Then she looked at the flowers below.

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman - [Author: Writing Ant]Where stories live. Discover now