The Question

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Warning: It was very emotional for me to write this chapter. Please prepare yourself!


Build finally had some time alone. Apart from the guy's question, the conference was great. He felt grateful that a lot of fans had come to cheer on him and the media was professional enough to go nice on him. Of course he knew P' Mean must have paid them off but at least they didn't chase after him at all cost. The party was warm and welcoming. He got to catch up with old acquaintances and meet new people. However, with that many people around and sudden changes of pace, he felt a bit overwhelmed. That was why when he got a chance, he snuck out and went to the rooftop garden for some fresh air.

Leaning on the balcony, Build was deep in his thoughts and feelings that he didn't hear footsteps approaching until the person spoke up.

- The party is downstairs, in case you got lost - She said teasingly.

Surprised by the arrival of a stranger, Build quickly wiped his tears away

- Are you crying? What happened? - The person asked gently and moved closer.

But Build could tell who it was before she showed herself. It was Bubbles. He was still too overwhelmed to answer. She handed him a bag of tissue.

- Here, take this. You wouldn't want to hear complaints from the makeup artists - She joked before asking - Are you okay?

- No ... no ... it's nothing ... no worries ... - Build faltered, accepting her tissue.

She still looked at him concernedly but Build didn't give her further information. Therefore, she looked away, anxiously. Looked like she had something to say.

- Nice weather today, isn't it? - She started awkwardly - The sky is high and the moon ... - She looked up hopefully then stopped.

It was a moonless night!

A moment of silence followed.

- Well, it was a bad start, Bubbles - She said dryly to herself.

That got a small laugh from Build. It was a bad start. Then, she gave it a long sign and started again.

- Build, there's something I should have told you a while ago but I kept avoiding it... - She looked worried and uneasy.

- What is it?

- I think ... I think I owe you an apology...

- An apology? - He was surprised - What is it for?

- For crossing the line - She looked at him apologetically - On the day we first met, remember?

- Ah!!!

- Yeah, that day - She sulked - At that time, you and I had just met but I went too far and made you mad. I'm sorry!

- Honestly, I completely forgot about it - Build assured her

- Really? We're good? - She was still worried.

- Yeah, no worries about it - He smiled a little.

- I'm relieved then - Then Bubbles giggled and looked up to the sky, enjoying the view.

- Actually - Build spoke up after a moment of silence - I'm grateful for that day and for you to come and wake me up.

- Did I? - Bubbles surprised

- Yeah ... I mean ... You were right! I always knew I would come back but I kept using excuses to hide and avoid it. That's why I have never made any official announcement ...

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