Ch. 11⚠️

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⚠️Sensitive themes in this chapter, including mental health⚠️

At the moment, Lan Wangji was with Xiao Ying in the library. Xiao Ying was in his human form today as he was learning to properly read and write. At the moment, he did not like it. He grew very bored of it quickly. Lan Wangji noticed this and had to make it more interactive for him. The only way for Xiao Ying to focus is if he was really challenging himself. So Lan Wangji made flash cards and some templates that were made to help challenge Xiao Ying. It worked for the most part, until Xiao Ying finally gave up and tore the cards up in frustration.

"I do not like learning this!" Xiao Ying said upset, "what is the point? I am not going to go anywhere. I have no place to go. Why is it so important to read and write?"

"Reading helps you learn new things and take in information," Wangji said, "writing is a way to express yourself and is another form of communication."

"Communication?" Xiao Ying asked.

"Say I am away and you want to talk to me. You would then write a letter to me to tell me how you are and what is going on with your life. It is a way to tell others information about yourself," Wangji explained.

"Why would you be away from me?" Xiao Ying asked, "do you not want me around?"

"Xiao Ying, that is far from what I mean," Wangji said, "I was giving you an example of a scenario. I wouldn't ever go anywhere without you, have I not promised you that?"

"You promised me," Xiao Ying said, "I still do not understand why I need to. I'd rather be a fox. That is what I am good at. Why must I conform to other's standards to fit in?"

"Because not everyone likes those who are different or special," Wangji said, "and since you are a nine tailed fox, it is dangerous for you to be inconsiderate. Many will take advantage of your kindness, skills, or looks. You do not want that."

"So how does reading and writing help with that?" Xiao Ying asked.

"It will keep the mean people from hurting you," Wangji said, "you can do what they can, so they cannot hurt you. Everyone can read and write."

Xiao Ying sighed, "I just do not want to, are you going to force me?"

"No, I cannot force you to do anything but it would be nice if you would," Wangji told him.

"I am done talking," Xiao Ying said, "you may like what you do as a human, but I do not like it. So leave me alone."

Xiao Ying then transformed into his fox form and darted out of the library. Lan Wangji sighed and cleaned up the desk before going to find him. Wangji knew it was going to be difficult to teach Xiao Ying, especially when he was already full of energy. Though, Wangji felt this wasn't just about learning new things. He felt that Xiao Ying was hurting inside and he was not talking it.

"Wangji?" Lan Xichen said as he saw Wangji exit the library.

"Brother, have you seen Xiao Ying?" He asked.

"No, isn't he normally with you?" Xichen asked.

"He got upset while I was trying to teach him basic reading and writing skills and took off. He said he doesn't understand why he has to learn it but I do not think that is the whole reason," Wangji explained.

"Let me help you find him," Xichen said.

The two searched through the entirety of Cloud Recesses. Wangji thoroughly searched the Jingshi but found no trace of Xiao Ying. He wish he understood what was wrong.

Did he really not want to learn? If that was the case, who was Wangji to force him?

Teaching takes patience and this was the first time Wangji was really trying to teach someone. That person just so happened to be a fox but still. Wangji was learning to adjust just like Xiao Ying was.

Wangji didn't know where else to look other than the backhills. He searched and searched, and even looked where is bunnies were. Not a fox in sight.

Lan Wangji soon approached the cold spring as he needed a moment to breathe. The location itself was filled with tranquil energy that helped relieve him of his stress. Wangji sat down on the ground next to the spring and suddenly found himself crying. He lost Xiao Ying and it really hurt. He didn't understand why that was either.

"Wangji?" Xichen questioned as he approached the spring, "are you alright?"

"I am trying to calm down my thoughts," he said, "I feel pain in my chest because I cannot find him."

"It is the bond between you two," Xichen said, "a bond with a spiritual creature is sacred and everlasting. When apart it feels like you are being ripped to pieces. It effects the person more than the creature but Xiao Ying is still effected. You should be able to find him with your connection you know. You just need to find it within yourself."

Wangji nodded and tried to focus. He tried to focus on the connection between him and Xiao Ying. He could soon feel a slight tug. Wangji stood and followed the direction he was being tugged. It lead him back to the Jingshi. Either Xiao Ying had been here the whole time and Wangji did not look hard enough or the little fox just got there from wherever he was.

Xichen followed to make sure his brother would be okay. He watched his brother kneel to look under his bed and watched him gently reach under and pulled something out. Little Xiao Ying was then curled up in Wangji's arms. Lan Wangji gently hugged the little fox close as he cried. He cried feeling so relieved that Xiao Ying was okay and they he was found.

"A'Ying, please do not runaway like that again, it hurts to be away from you like that," Wangji told him.

I am sorry Zhan-Gege. I am just not wanting to be human just yet. Can you please respect that? I promise not to run off again but please just let me grow at my own pace. When I am ready to learn I will come to you. If I have questions, I hope you will be willing to answer them.

"I forgive you, and I respect your decision," Wangji said, "if you wish to learn, tell me. I will not push you anymore. I do not want to lose you."

Xiao Ying shoved his little snoot into Wangji's neck. He was taking in Wangji's comfort while he was sending comfort back. Lan Xichen decided that it was best to let the two sort it out. Now that Xiao Ying was okay, he trusted Wangji to do the right thing.

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