Ganika has a well grown baby bump now. She has been sitting on a bed in one of the rooms set on the ground floor of the Sachdev Palace.
It's surprising how much everything has changed within these three years. She got married to Mihir; Raghu ji's grand daughter is totally fine and continuing her studies, Danuj has taken her full responsibility; Vasudha's father has become quite a happy man; Ojas has.... well, remained Ojas, with his determination to protect his boss; there is certainly something cooking between Nihal and Zoya; Derek has become a grown up responsible businessman; Abhirup has Maya totally under his control, because let's be honest, her personality is not something everyone can deal with, and it's really shocking to see how much feelings she harbours for him and that is the main reason why he gets to have any say in her decisions at all, he truly does love her.

Abhay's health has improved a lot more than the previous years. Althoug he is yet to stand on his feet or walk but nowadays he can talk, read, move his hand, eat on his own. Even these are huge improvements according to both Nihal and Ganika.

"Thank you Raghu ji, you have done more than enough. I am here with Ganika, if she needs you I'll give you a call. Now you should go and get ready. We don't have much time left for the ceremony to begin." Abhay says taking a sip from the glass. Nodding Raghu ji leaves them.

"What's taking them so much time? I hope everything is going as planned." Ganika says.

"Not again Ganika, you need to stop worrying. I told you they will be here on time." Abhay assures and as if on cue Zoya enters the room.

"He is right, we are ready for it to finally happen. Oh my God, I feel like screaming out of excitement!" Zoya says making the other laugh.


The Sachdev Palace forgot to see good and happy days for decades. The busy people, the beautiful flowers, the lights, the decorations are making everyone's heart swell with happiness. The fact that the torturous days have ended is still difficult to fathom for the people who were living inside it for so many years. Nevertheless, the darkness has ended, for real.

"I'll just see her for once and come back immediately." The man with those wild grey pair of eyes utters, while wearing his wrist watch.

"No man, you can't. You get to see her straight at the ceremony. Otherwise I am a dead man, Zoya will strangle me with her dupatta." He says feeling horrified by his own imagination.

"She should. I don't understand what she sees in you. You're just an asshole with a stethoscope, that's it!" Danuj says looking at his face for the umpteenth time and running his fingers through his scar.

"Why are you doing that again and again?" Nihal asks him, noticing his movements, to which Danuj releases a deep breath.

"I don't fit her, do I? She, she is the prettiest woman I've ever seen Nihal. What if she regrets her decision after a few years, what if she despises me for my ugliness? Am I making the right decision?" Danuj keeps mumbling.

"What? Have you lost it totally? Man that girl almost died for you, for the sole purpose of keeping you safe. She is pretty, yes, but more than everything she is Vasudha Roy, your Sudha. She loves you more than anyone in this world. And I feel really awkward talking about it. You should've known that all along the way. She is not like everyone out there Dan. She loves you for who you are, not for how you look. And your doubt proves that if I am an asshole you're a certified dumbass!" Nihal says standing up and going to him.

"Yeah, you're right at that. So now I need to see...." Danuj begins but gets interrupted.

"No, you can't boss." Ojas says entering the room.

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