"I know that's right Headmaster!MAKE HER POCKETS HURT!"Layla yells.I roll my eyes as we get back on the bus.

"Uh banks Baby you don't have to-"."-I'm going to win this bear for you because you want it".

After the mall,Mom found a place that was hosting a amusement park so she dropped everyone off there and said that she would be back in a couple of hours.

So that lead Banks to quite literally win everything for me.I facepalm as Banks throws the ring toss for the fifteen time tonight.She was trying to win the brown bear that I couldn't take my eyes off of when we were walking.

Of course,Banks was athletic I'll give her that.But when it came to something that need needed patience, Banks failed.


She failed again and holds her head down.I kiss her cheek softly and she grunts.

"I don't know why I can't get this! Its a fucking ring toss for fucks sake".

"Baby I'm sure there are other things you can win me"."No way.You want that bear and I'm going to get it".

The guy behind the booth stares at her as she slaps down another 4 tickets.

"I can just give you-"."-No I'm going to win it for my butterfly.Give me one more try".

I shake my head amused and the guy gives in to her puppy dog eyes.But surprisingly after 16 tries Banks had did it.She cheers and holds her hands up.

"Look butterfly I did it!".

I smile at her brightly as the man hands her the bear.She turns around with a smile on her face and holds it out for me.

"Here you go".I take the bear and kiss her cheek."Thank you,baby.I really appreciate it".

"Anything for you"."Is there something you want?I feel like you have spoiled me this whole day,Banks".

"Nothing you don't deserve Butterfly.Are you hungry?I can get you something to eat.Or thirsty even?".

I stare at her as she looks at me confused."What is it?Whats wrong?Are you tired?We can go back to hotel if you want.I can get a Uber and we can just tell headmaster you got tired?".

I don't say anything before grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the crowd.I lean her against the back of the wall and cup her face.

"What is it,butterfly".She puts her hand in my forehead and narrows her eyes.

"It's hot".

"Because it's like 80 degrees out here.I'm fine Banks"."We should I get you something to drink.I don't want you to get dehydrated".

She grabs my hand to l walk me to alone of the concession stand but I pull her back again the wall.

"Thank you"."For..".

"Being you".

Banks smiles as I kiss her passionately."How about we take this back to the hotel?"."Oh we will after I buy you a milkshake".

"Zoe"."Im buying my girlfriend something.Again it's the least I can do because you are spoiling me".

Banks rolls her eyes and says "Fine".


"Zoe come here"Banks whines.

I roll my eyes as I climb in the bed.Banks wraps her arms around me as I kiss her forehead.

"Housewives of Dubai?".I laugh and say "Look who is obsessed with my favorite show now".

"It's interesting.And besides I like watching it with you"."Well I like watching it with yo too,Icy hit".

"You aren't going to let that nickname go are you?"."Never,baby".

"You know as much as I hate it.I like it now"."Is that right".

"Yea because it's something only you call me.So it's special".I smile softly and kiss her."I'll always go call you that".

"Even in my birthday?Or at Graduation"."Yep.You will forever be my Icy Hot".

"Yay"she says unexcited.

I laugh and grab a blanket to wrap us.

Not Just Enemies (WLW) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now