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"This isn't fucking funny,Layla.You are telling me that Thalia is on a plane here.right now"."As serious as I can be".

l frown and sit back in the chair.

"What were you doing when I calling you?"."About to have morning sex with Banks".

"Oh.I see you two are serious"." I wouldn't say all of that.But I will say that we are...mutually exclusive".

"But still a secret from your mother"."Well yes".

"I'm sure that's why Thalia is here"."What?".

"Think about it Zo.To your mother Thalia is the ex who had to move away. It to us,Thalia is a fucking whore who cheated on you just two days after you told her you loved her.The same girl who had you crying in a bed for two weeks.Your mom thought you were sick.She had no idea what that whore did to you".

"You're right.I never told her the real reason why Thalia and I broke up"."And your mother loves Thalia.She was perfectly fine with you two have a really serious relationship in the future.But she doesn't know the truth.Nor does she know that you and Banks Carrington are getting serious".

I groan and say "How the hell can this much shit be happening right now!I just-"."-You just?".

I take a deep breathe and say "I just..want Banks.I want her so fucking bad.I want to hold her hand in public.I want to give her goodbye kisses.I want to tell my mom about her"."Well then.It seems you need to go talk to your mom".

"What if..what if she doesn't approve of Banks?"."Fuck her approval".

I smile at her brightly and the door opens.Nico walks out in his little pajamas rubbing his eyes.


His eyes widen and he cheers.He runs over to me and I pick him up and sit him in my lap.I kiss his cheek and say "How is my baby".

He pouts and says "I wanted Zoe!"."I know.I'm sorry buddy.How about we go to the Lego store today?".

He looks at me happily and says "Really?"."Yea.I don't have any classes today so let's go.First.We will go see mommy okay?".

He nods his head and I stand up."I'll godress him and then I'm heading over to mom"."Alright.I'll probably just chill here".

She smiles at me before I walk into her spare room with Nico.


After Nico and Zoe leave,I decide to take sone time to explore the campus.Did I expect to quite literally run into Banks and Zoe's friends?


"You're Layla right?"Cody asks.

I nod my head as another guy steps up.

"Cade nice to-"."-I'm not interested.If you will excuse me".

"What did you want this morning" Banks ask.

I pause and slowly turn around."What?".

"You called her this morning.Interrupted our sex.I hope it was important"."Yes.It was.Extremely".

"So what was it?"."I think it's Zoe's place to tell you.Not me".

"If it has to do with Zoe then I want to know".

My eyes narrow and I look around.My eyes go wide when I see her.Black hair,cold brown eyes that didn't have a care in the world.


I quickly grab my phone and start a voice message to Zoe.

"Code red.I repeat,code Red.The bitch is on the campus and she is making a speedy way to the front office.Abort mission,I repeat.Abort mission!".

I hang up and say "As much as I would love to keep talking to you,I have a bitch to distract"."Does that girl know Zoe".

I give her a cold look and say "You wonder why Zoe is so..hesitant with you.Not wanting to date yet?".

She nods her head and I say "Thank Thalia Salah for that.She completely broke your girl into a million pieces two days after she confessed her love for her.And it doesn't help that like you,Thalia was a head cheerleader".

Banks eyes go wide and says "Zoe doesn't like her ex"."doesnt like is such a light term.I would say that Zoe absolutely despises her ex to the point she might actually punch her if she saw her.Though that would be hard since her mother thinks they broke up on good terms.Which is why I am on my way to make that clear".

"Then let me come with"."What?".

"Why don't you just add more salt to the wound".I tilt my head and say "Come on".

She smirks and we take off to the offfice.

I got Laylas message way too late.Right after I heard it ,Thalia walks into the office in her full glory.

Was she still beautiful?Hell yea.

Curse me and my type for mean hot cheerleaders.

I really need to find myself a better type..after Banks.That girl is too hot to let go.

"Thalia!Im so glad you could make it!"Mama says.

She smiles at my mother before sitting down beside me.I ignore her and Mama glares at me.

"Don't you have something to say"."I have nothing to say to this bitch".

"Language!".Thalia sighs and says "I'm sorry Ms.Hassan.Me and Zoe didn't part on the best of terms".

I start laughing and mom looks at me confused."Bad terms? Fuck you"."I thought you two parted because of the distance".

"Oh that's what she told you.Wow you couldn't even tell her the truth".

Thalia looks away and I turn to my mother.Before I can get another word out,someone busts in the door.My eyes go wide when I see Layla but a out of breathe Banks..I didn't see that.

"Layla?Ms.Carrington?"."Oh good we got here just in time.Good shortcut"Layla says to Banks.

Banks gives her a thumbs up.

"I object!"Banks says loudly.

I look at her confused as my mom tilts her head in confusion.

"Im sorry what?!"."Headmaster Hassan,over the past couple of days,I have found myself head over heels for your daughter!I told myself I wouldn't get involved with her but my heart just couldn't stay away from her.Headmaster with your permission,I would like your approval to date your daughter".

Layla looks at her shocked and says "What is this?The 1900s?".

Banks glares at her before turning to my mother.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ