(smoll note)

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Helloooooooo!!! :D
It is finally time we are here yay

Sorry as usual for the wait, but hey— if it makes you feel any better this is the longest story I have ever written and probably the most convoluted, chaotic shit ever

Anyway, thanks for sticking around. I can't believe the love I get from you guys, I really appreciate it and every read literally makes my day. I sincerely hope this shit is worth the wait lol ❤️
If you guys find any part of this boring or confusing or whatever, please let me know.

Okay, sooo I was checking the previous two parts because I forgot someone's eye colour or something, and literally how are you still reading these stories??
The cringe. The typos. It burns my eyes.
Is it just me or does a draft go from ✨ the Mona-Lisa in draft form ✨ to unbearably unreadable how did I write this I am an embarrassment to anything that had the ability to read the very second it's published??

Anyway 👁👄👁
Sharply moving on

With a smidge of seriousness, I feel I should put this note here before the madness begins.
This is definitely the longest of the three stories, and there's a whole lot of fluff and softness and love and ahhh between the humans and the little guys and whatnot.
Buuuut... yh. Surely you must know how things tend to go. Where there are humans there are misadventures, so there's also some not-fluff moments.

There's nothing too extreme [or is there? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ] but it does get a bit intense in some moments, slightly more so than the previous stories. The last thing I want to do is upset someone, so if you would like me to I can put a warning before the parts that might mention something triggering. Please let me know in the comments or privately if certain things might trigger or upset you ❤️

And Yh, just a bit of a warning 😂 I'm sure you know by now what certain humans can be like. Prepare for face-punchable behaviour.

Ah... but sadly the king of all bastards, our beloved Sam, is currently banned from Ernwood :(
Truly sorry to have to tell you that, I know how much you love him and enjoy his presence. Let's hope he doesn't abide the rules for too long.

And lastly, updates :D
I'll post as often as I can, I don't want to give a schedule or anything because that's just setting me up to be a massive let-down 😂 All I can say is that a lot of the chapters are longer than in the previous stories, so if I only upload once in a week pliiis do not hurt me, just know that most chapters are around 8000- 10 000 words.
I'll aim to update every Tuesday unless stated otherwise!

As always: Beware of my dumbass typos. Pretend they're not there.

💕 I hope you enjoy this and get to loving my babies as much as I do. 💕

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