flight attendant Q//Quackbur

Start from the beginning

"How old are you..? I'm just curious! I'm not going to judge you" I said. He looked up at me since he was on my shoulder. He mumbled an answer but I didn't hear it.

"Could you speak a little louder..?" I asked. "25.." he mumbled louder. "That's cool, I'm 23" I replied. He huffed and grabbed my arm tighter which made me laugh. "I'm sorry, but I have to go offer drinks to people.. I'll be back soon. M'kay?" I said.

He seemed disappointed but none the less he let me go. "I'll be back soon" I said.

I walked to the front, but I was stopped midway by I think Wil's father. "I'm really thankful for what you're doing.. he was really nervous" he whispered to me. "Don't worry sir, I'll take extra care of him" I said. He nodded and I walked to grab the drink chart.

Everyone was either asleep or on their phone, not listening to me. Well, there were some people who actually wanted something. All was good, and now I was at Wil.

"Would you like a drink, sir?" I asked. He looked extremely panicked. "Uhm- what do you recommend?" he asked. "I would recommend, diet coke" I said. "Then, I'll take that" he said. I poured him a cup.

"Will you be back soon?" He asked. "Yes, don't worry" I said. He nodded and I pushed the chart back to the front. I was stopped by my coworker, Charlie.

"Why weren't you at the front for take off?" He asked me. "A passenger was extremely nervous and alone, so I sat with him" I replied. "Ooohh~ how old is he?" Charlie teased me. "25" I replied.

"You even know his age, I ship it!" He said. "Oh shut up.." I mumbled. "Where are you going now?" He asked me. "To see the passenger.." I replied.

He was about to say something before we got a signal from the passenger, F28 that they needed help with something.

I hurried over and asked what was wrong. "I think the guy, two seats behind me is having a panic attack" she said.

I looked back and it was Wil and he was having a panic attack. "oh my god, thanks ma'am!" I said before i rushed over to him and sat down beside him.

He was having trouble breathing. "Hey! Hey! Wil! Don't worry I'm here.. breathe with me.." I said. I pulled him into a hug.

He was hyperventilating, but he listened to my breathing. And he seemed to calm down, he was also silently crying.

After he had fully calmed down I asked him what was wrong. "I- I- don't leave me.." he whispered. "Can I at least talk to my coworker about it..?" I asked. He quickly shook his head and grabbed my arm.

"Would you like to come with..?" I asked him. He nodded frantically. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine and we walked to the front of the plane. His dad gave me a worried look but I assured him with a smile.

We arrived at my coworker. "Is this your boyfriend now?" He asked me. "No, Charlie this is serious. He had a panic attack. May you take care of this flight while I sit with him?" I asked.

He seemed shocked, "of course!" He said. Wil looked slightly reassured. "Could I just speak with him?" Charlie asked. I looked at Wil and he nodded. "Want me to tell your father what happened?" I asked him and he nodded.

While they spoke, I went to inform his father. "What happened? Is he okay?!" He asked. His dad and brothers were all looking at me. "Yes, I can assure he's better. He had a panic attack." I started. "But I'll be staying with him for the entire flight now to make sure it won't happen again" I said.

"He had a panic attack..?" His father said worriedly. "Yes, but I'll make sure it won't happen again" I replied. "I can tell he really likes you.." his father said. "I can too" I said.

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