Season 1: Hell Games: Chapter 8: Practical classes (2)

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" Now that we have finished with the freshmen, let's start with the sophomores. " The school director murmured. The teams for the team matches were discussed. Since they had already made the teams, they discussed how well the teams worked with the teachers.

" We must select the most outstanding team of five for the intraschool tournament in two months. " They prepared for the intraschool tournament in two months. They needed to choose five students that would be participating in the tournament. They made teams of four because they didn't have enough students.

" Eliana come forth. " The director said.

" Yes, Mr. Williams " Eliana replied. Then she showed the team that she was monitoring on a big screen.

" Juan Garcia, Tia Rodriguez, Eptosi Agnes, and Sophia White. Team 1 of the sophomores. As you know from last year, Juan, Tia, and Sophia haven't improved much, so I had no high expectations for this team. But Eptosi Agnes changed my mind. " She muttered. Then she showed the team's fight that decided the captain.

Everyone watched it confused.

They saw how the boy swiftly blocked all the attacks from Sophia who they knew was a martial arts user. But they didn't understand how he could take all her hits while she used his power.

" Eptosi's power is [Output: Elemental: Air impact]. With his power, he can create, enhance, and weaken impacts. He just reduced the impact of Sophia's hits. Eliana Taylor explained. While watching the fight, all of them listened with interested expressions on their faces.

They all watched the battle with stoic faces till they saw Tia launching fire at Eptosi.

" This is over. " A teacher murmured. Lisa's and Angel's class was taught by him, and he was the one who monitored their team as well as the head teacher of their class.

" [Impact wall.] "

" How did he do that? " Someone exclaimed

" Eliana explain to us. " The director said. With his eyes shining like he found a gem.

" No need, Mr. Brown. " She replied.

"Why?" he asked.

" Because he explained it himself," she replied.

" An impact is a collision between two or more forces. To make one, you need at least a collision between two forces traveling in opposite directions. If the forces are equally strong and with pressure, the impact will be balanced and will create a sturdy surface. " Eptosi explained in the recorded battle.

Everyone now had the same thoughts about him

' Genius ' Even the thought of making a skill like that with his power was brilliant. But creating and mastering it was another level.

They were all surprised at how he defeated Sophia as they watched the fight.

" [Grand impact] "


In one hit he defeated someone of his age with [Body: Full: Superstrength.]. Even someone with the same power as her but stronger and older couldn't do that.

" The fight hasn't finished yet. " Eliana inquired. She knew they would be surprised at how he defeated Tia.

" [Impact burst] "

Everyone looked flabbergasted as they witnessed Tia being pushed to the wall and losing consciousness. They couldn't figure out what just happened so they continued watching, waiting for his explanation.

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