Deidara ━━ Together

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Word Count: 1,6k

SummaryHiding his feelings from you was difficult for Deidara, especially considering how much he admired you. If he only wasn't too blind to see that they were reciprocated.


Out of every nukenin that had joined the Akatsuki by now, whether they were dead or alive, there was no doubt in the fact that the artistic blond by the name of Deidara was the one who occupied your heart the most. Whether it was the singular bright eye staring at you with excitement gleaming within it, sometimes joined by the other peeking out from behind strands of his blond hair, or the delight poisoning his way of speaking, you did not know. Neither could you ignore the upward tug of his lips, the same one that gave him a glow like no other, one that had him appearing almost ethereal to you.

For a man who was utterly infatuated with his own art, he seemed to miss the fact that the greatest artwork was indeed himself and not anything he could craft delicately with his hand. When his brows dipped into a furrow, blond hairs coming to meet in the middle, it was as though each emotion he portrayed showed off more and more of his never ending beauty.

Deidara was a sight for sore eyes, and one from which you could not keep your gaze away. He was bound to notice your constant traveling eyes at one point, but still, you could not stop them from wandering over to look at him and him only.

"Why are you staring at me?" He looked over at you with the furrow of his brows that was so gorgeous. His lips parted to continue speaking, his words becoming something you fixated on. "I don't have something on my face, do I?"

It took you a moment to get out of the trance he had caught you in. You were so occupied with trying to hide the growing warmth of your cheeks that you did not notice that he reciprocated your wandering gaze.

You shook your head more than you probably needed to, again, missing his delicately sculpted facade dropping. "No you don't."

A teasing smirk began tugging at his lips, the facade slipping back onto his features. Still, the slightest of pink flushes peeked out from underneath it, not that you noticed.

"Why were you staring at me then?"

Deidara couldn't keep his growing curiosity from gnawing at his throat, the question yearning to push past his moving lips. Hope began glimmering deep inside, flowing through his veins and traveling to his heart, making the rhythm it beat change to something more drastic with more repetitions.

No matter how much he tried, Deidara could not keep himself from reacting to any kind of attention you dedicated to him. As a young child begged for the attention of their mother, so did he claw for yours, for him to be the one you mainly focused on. As if it were the sole thing keeping him alive and moving, he needed the attention.

He strained to hear your reply, his heart eagerly beating against his chest.

But before you were even able to form the words you meant to speak, the sound of something exploding rang in your ears and ultimately also cut you off.

Deidara could feel his stomach drop and the disappointment form in it.

"Again, seriously?" You grumbled with obvious annoyance, not hesitating to throw your head back with a loud groan. "How many are there of these guys? Can't they, just like, stop?"

Deidara hummed in agreement, the words getting stuck in his throat at the sight of you. The wicked grin growing on your features had him falling for you all over again.

"Are you ready?" You asked. Deep down, you knew that you did not need to ask, it was why the two of you worked so well together, after all.

He nodded. "Whenever you are, (Name)."

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