Chapter One

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"This is so dangerous," I whisper to myself, keeping low to the ground as I rush through the naked yard. Quickly, I crawl on the dirty ground to try to get to the line of trees, concealing a world of forest. It's full of tall, dark trees with large bushes, not to mention the size of the roots. Giants could stumble over them if they were to exist - the trees have been sitting there for generations. "If I get caught, Father will kill me."

I make it to the tree line and begin to anxiously run, ducking behind a thick tree with twisted roots and plopping myself down, burying myself into the leaves and branches. In seconds, I have a phone pulled out of my pocket and the screen flashes on, then blinking at the sight, the brightness being much too high for me. Quickly, my fingers dart around the keyboard as I google a way to get out of town, apparently that wasn't something that crossed my mind before.

I can be such a dumbass sometimes, I should've planned this better. Way to fucking go Constance, screwing yourself over once again because you're a stupid impulsive fucktard. 

"I can't believe that he was going to try and marry me off to some drug lord," I whisper to myself, clenching my hands at the frustration and anger that boils harshly in my chest. Out of all the people in the world, he had to land on a drug lord? I would figure after my mother died due to his dumbass Mafia, he wouldn't want the same for me. Guess I was wrong. The leaves crunch under me as I hop back up, peaking behind the nice tree that was my cover and into the darkness, making sure there's no one following. Small slivers of moonlight slip through the branches, illuminating spots on the ground in a scattered pattern. The air is crisp, no surprise considering it's really fucking late, but leaves a taste of pine behind in my mouth. Once I'm satisfied and convinced there's no one there, I turn tail and book it to make my way to the city. My father always preferred to be remote compared to having neighbors, so I'm a good distance away from the closest town, Spokane.

The walk is exhausting and long, my feet ache with every step and my breath is shallow, sending sharp stings at every breath. The small dots of light shining through the trees keep me going, though, assuring me that this is worth it. Soon I'll be there, with other people and actual society. Soon, I'll be away from my fucking son of a bitch Father and every choice I make will be my own. 

The trees begin to lighten up, becoming more sparse and it's easier to see through. Sighing in relief, I stop for a moment, leaning against another tree, and catch my breath. I wipe my hands down on my shorts, hoping most of the dirt and grime come off. 

Shaking my head to get myself back into the game, I take off again, trying to keep my pace up to a jog so I can find somewhere to sleep. Somewhere abandoned would be best, Father would probably check for my name at a hotel or something before sending men out farther than the property for the night. 

Then he'll bring the dogs out - that's when I'll need to worry. 

Finally escaping the dark forest, I step out to see a huge building looming over me. Factory pipes come off the roof and tall clear windows cover the walls, though most of the glass is shattered. Metal barrels sprinkle the surrounding area and plenty of trash surrounds them. The walls on the outside, though I'm assuming were originally grey, are now variously stained brown, and overgrowth lines the bricks. I smile at the sight, my hand holding me up against a tree, the bark is harsh on my skin and I quickly let go, wiping my hand again and heading to the building. 

One of the side doors is barely covered by the overgrowth, and I step in, gently pushing it until I hear a quiet click. The room is in shambles; cracks in the floor with greenery growing out of it, beer bottles and diapers on the floor, and tables are burnt and flipped over. There's a door on the right wall, though technically it's on the floor since it's torn off of its hinges and is broken all over. I step through the doorway and look around, noticing a donut-shaped hole in the floor. The bottom of it is dirt and some leaves, but it looks pretty comfortable compared to my other options which are close enough to the door. 

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