chapter 9

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after disabling the shield, i quickly run outside to join the battle. Because I looked like a Sixer, I had to be careful not to get hit by others. What I did so far was take weapons from IOI and then shoot them, causing them to zero out. At one point, a robot belonging to IOI climbed up to see the others. Aech was the first one I saw. He fought as the Iron Giant he built.

Finally, I hear the familiar sound of the Delorean's engine. Wade quickly drove up to the robot and shot it down with a weapon. Destroying one of its legs knocked the robot off balance, causing it to fall forward, and causing me to fall through the windshield of the Delorean. I took off my helmet and sat in the passenger seat. "The Sixers are in the final challenge. It's an Atari 2600." I said. Wade looked at me in shock. "Are you in the Sixer war room? No, no, no. You gotta get out of there." I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smile at him. "I'm okay, I've come to the point where I'm sure I can escape IOI." Wade smiles back, refocusing on the fight.

I also turned my attention back to the fight and fired at the passing Sixers until I remembered the line of Sixers for the third challenge. "Wade." I said. "They're playing Adventure." Wade looks at me. "Adventure, of course! Created by Warren Robinett, He was the first designer to ever hide an Easter egg in -" I grab the wheel and interrupt him. "Dude!" and quickly steers the delorean to the right to avoid colliding with an IOI robot. After our near collision with the robot, we quickly drive towards the castle where the third challenge was. Suddenly Wade looked back over his shoulder and Aech threw Chucky at him. The doll starts attacking him. "Get rid of it! Get rid of it!" I said and punches the doll in the face. Wade quickly throws the doll at a group of Sixers. Everything went fine until Sorrento activated a megagodzilla and started attacking players. Soon the godzilla turned around and paid no more attention to us.

"Get to the bridge. Go now, he's distracted. Go, go, go." I said and Wade changed the gear and with a speed boost the car shot forward, but before we can pass the godzilla it hits us with the tail. The car lands upside down on the ground. Wade helps me out of the car and we continue running across the battlefield. Sho comes towards us and the three of us run on. The loud cheers and screams of the fight are interrupted by a loud alarm. "What's that?" asks Wade. Sho stops running and looks at daito. Daito had entered the fight against the mechagodzilla. "He's only got 30 seconds before changing back!" Sho said."Daito, abort, abort! You got 10 seconds!" Sho called to him. Daito ignores him and continues to fight Sorrento. After 10 seconds he changes back to his old character. The mechagodzilla breaths fire at him, zeroing him out.

Quickly we started to run further, but came across the ravine in front of the castle. The bridge over the ravine was destroyed during the battle and now there was no way to cross it. Suddenly Aech came up behind us and leaned over the ravine to form a bridge. Wade and I run to the other side, followed by Sho. Before Sho can reach the other side, Sorrento attacked Aech. Aech tries to hold on to the cliff of the ravine as long as possible to help Sho across. After all three of us were on the other side Aech fell into the lava and he also zero's out after giving a thumps up. We run into the castle but quickly have to take shelter behind a wall when an army of Sixers comes running towards us. We quickly took up our weapons and began to defend ourselves.

"(G/T), we've got this. You need to log out." said Wade during the firing. "If the game is Adventure, why haven't they won yet?" Sho asks Wade. "I don't know. (Y/N), I'm serious, Sorrento's crazy. He'll kill you." I don't look at him. In the reflection of the VR glasses I can see Sorrento, he searches everyone. He knows I'm still here. "What are you looking at? There's nothing over there." Wade asked. "You're in trouble, aren't you?"

I nod carefully. "(Y/N), you know I love you." Wade began. "Not the time, Z." I said. "I can handle the challenge, but I can't let you get hurt in the real world. Get out of IOI, and meet us at River South." Wade said and he points a gun at me. I look up in shock and try to stop him. "Wade, no." Wade takes my hand. "You'll forgive me for this, I promise." He whispers. "Wade, no, no, no." Before I could protest any further, he shot and the VR glasses lit up red. I drop the controllers and stare straight ahead in shock. "Get it together, Sixer. Back to respawn." he said and pushes me forward.

I quickly walk out of the SIxers war room and take off the IOI uniform. When I walked out of the building I saw people falling to the ground everywhere, they all wear VR goggles. So they all fought in the Oasis. I start running towards the location where the rest would also be. Soon I reach the location and see an old van. The door opens quickly and I see Samantha running towards me. "(Y/N)" She gives me a quick hug. Just as we let go of each other, someone else gets off the van. He walks over to us and takes my hand. "I'm Toshiro. You know me as Daito." He leads us back to the van and we get on. I see a woman behind the wheel. "Hey, (G/T)" she said.

"Aech?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, I know, my real name is Helen. Not what you were expecting, huh?" She said "Yeah, I wasn't expecting a late '30s model postal van." I joked. Helen smiles at me and got up from her seat behind the wheel and gives me a quick hug as well. "Good to see you (Y/N)." She said.

I look around the bus to see who all was there and saw Wade still in the game. "Wade? Wait, I thought the Cataclyst went off. How are you still playing?" I asked surprised "Extra life, long story. Sorry I shot you." He answers quickly. "Sho?" I ask a smaller boy.

"What? Do I have to wear a sign saying, I am 11 years old, shoot me first?" he answer.

His answer makes us all laugh, until our reunion is interrupted by Helen. Who quickly starts the engine of the van. "All right, everybody, hold on to something" she said. We quickly drive out of the alley. A car is visible in the mirror. IOI found us and would try to stop us from winning the final challenge.


hey! There is one more chapter left of this book. I am also thinking about rewriting this book after my exam, because I was still quite inexperienced with writing when I started this book. Don't forget to vote and comment, I really enjoy reading them!

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